

S Congressman Sherman's motion on Sri Lanka -Smells of hypocrisy!

Ajit Randeniya, Los Angeles

As is widely known, a Californian Congressman by the name of Brad Sherman last week tabled in the US Congress the Resolution 1338, which calls for an international Human Rights monitoring mission to help maintain law and order in Sri Lanka, and making other demands which include an end to the ongoing military campaign against the LTTE and, you guessed it, Human Rights violations!.

The US Resolution and its sponsor Sherman's motives raise obvious curiosity in the minds of those who follow international affairs with interest because, here we have a country engaged in the daily murder of civilians in Iraq and almost annihilating the innocent tribes people in Afghanistan in the name of a 'war on terrorism' concerned about the attempt of a long established democracy to put an end to a meaningless campaign of terror being inflicted on it by a psychopath.

The major reason for interest on the matter comes from the background of the sponsor of the 'motion' Brad Sherman. Sherman, who is a Californian Congressman (pay no attention to his claim to be a Democrat - he is like Liebermann, simply a Zionist rather than a Democrat or a Republican). His past, since election in 1997, is interesting! He wants Iran penalised, he is against north Korea, he thinks the guilty party in the middle east is the Palestinians. But here he is, trying to appear to be fighting for the rights of the 'innocent' LTTE army.

This great humanitarian has not thought it fit to try and influence the Israeli government against the collective punishment of the innocent women and children in the Gaza or the daily harassment of the Palestinians in the West Bank. Nor has he thought that the ongoing land grab and colonisation of the Palestinian land by the Israelis is a violation of the human rights of the Palestinians.

Sherman has not found it significant enough to ask his own government to stop the careless, random and unwarranted killings of tribal civilians in wedding and funeral gatherings in the Pakistan Afghanistan border. Nor has he thought that the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq by his own government, causing the death of over a million Iraqis a significant enough matter for him to raise concern.

But here he is, sponsoring a Resolution seeking intervention in Sri Lanka!

All Sri Lankans need to recognise the links between these issues in order to deal with them with the necessary level of ridicule. It is part of the strategy of the neocons to divert world attention from the real theatres of cruelty and injustice, primarily the Palestinian issue to other contrived issues like Burma, Zimbabwe, Dafur and whatever elsethey can trump up.

The Sri Lankan government and the people need to treat this cunning with the condemnation it deservestotal disregard.

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