

The American legacy

By Charles Perera

After the barbarous terrorist attack of 11th September, America hardened itself against terrorism and swore to fight terrorisms where ever it existed. That determination to rid the world of terrorism was an understandable consequence of what the Americans were made to suffer. But America blundered into its war against terrorism without a measured evaluation of the situation without considering the consequences of its act. When Al Quada movement claimed responsibility to the attack of the twin towers, Bush administration did not take time to investigate into the Al Quada Movement how it infiltrated into America, or where it is lying in waiting before the next move, but took a lop sided decision to attack Iraq, a country which had no direct connection to the Al Quada movement. It turned out to be more a personal war of Bush, against Sadam Hussain.

After the second world war the League of Nations was formed to find ways and means to avoid the possibility of future wars, and bring unity among the nations. That was a great movement which foresaw an eventual Organisation of United Nations, to serve as a forum for member states to solve their disputes through negotiations rather than resorting to military solutions to kill and destroy. All Member States therefore had to place all their disputes before the Security Council of the Organisation of the United Nations, without taking unilateral decisions to take up arms against one another. The UNO finally became a reality and the big and small nations placed their signature to uphold the UN Charter.

But this obligation specified in the Charter of the United Nations was breached by none other than the USA –the worlds leading Democracy, under George Bush. The Bush Administration who was seeking to hunt the Al Quada terrorists, wanted to use this pretext to fight Bush's own war against Sadam Hussain.

Therefore, George Bush who did not want to waste time awaiting the decision of the UN Security Council precipitated his military assault against Iraq taking a unilateral decision, waving false documents prepared by the Prime Minister Blair of UK accusing Sadam Hussain having in his possession weapons of mass destruction. By this act George Bush destroyed the trust the Nations of the World had reposed on the UN Organisation as a Forum to settle disputes among member states, and giving hope for a future without wars, which would instead herald peace, and understanding among the world nations.

Since this faux pas, George Bush and his Administration have contributed nothing positive to America or to the world. They continue their war in Iraq, in Afghanistan , threaten Iran, North Korea. They interfere into Sovereign states preaching to them the value of peace negotiations, even with terrorist. There was never an American Administration as contradictory as that of George Bush, which preaches some thing to others, and does the exact opposite itself.

It is an enigma as to why a rich country, which is economically, and technically developed cannot have policies which are more positive and people friendly. With all its capabilities and progressive development, America is to day the most unpopular country in the World. It is unfortunate, because the American people are the most friendly, generous, and most willing to accept change, or philosophies diametrically opposed to their culture.. But it is the American Republican Administrations that have done lot of damage to America. USA under Democrats was more popular. The Democrats are willing to accept change. The American people under Democratic Administrations were more relaxed, sociable, and outward looking.

For the American Administration a country is democratic only if it corresponds to its own idea of democracy. American Administration which accuses another country for violation of human rights, may itself violate human rights if it is for America's own benefit.

Fidel Castro is one of the greatest political leaders of our time. Before Castro, Cuba under Batista was the Latin Las Vegas of the American Rich. It had gambling dens, entertainment parlours, and prostitutes. Cuba was then a haven for American Mafia. Batista ;killed all his opponents and ruled Cuba with an Iron hand. Were the Cuban people happy under Fulgencio Batista? They were poor and illiterate, lived on the crumbs falling off the tables of the few wealthy.

To-day Cuba may not be rich, but respected . It has a remarkable education system, and a very developed medical service, its athletes compete in Olympic games, and win gold medals. That despite a most cruel USA sponsored economic sanctions and trade embargoes. Fidel Castro gave the Cuban people freedom ,and pride of being Cuban Nationals. There is no Mafia, contract murderers, or prostitution.

If the American style Democracy were to be introduced into Cuba, it will again have the Mafia, Gambling Dens, Prostitution, and the general decadence one sees in developed countries. That would be democracy according to American State Department.

American Administration of Bush, believes in armed force, using threat, embargoes or sanctions. All Nations who do not follow the American System are neither democrats nor " civilised Nations". Russia, China, Iran are denounced because they are not toeing the American system.

Bush Administration has made UNO and its Sister Organisations UNESCO etc. mere extensions of the American Administration. The Heads of these Organisations do not seem to take decisions that would embarrass it. The International Community does not act differently from the American Administration. UNO has lost its prestigious position, and does not represent any more the purpose for which it was established. Its Charter is not respected. UNO follows the American Administration. The case in point is Kosovo. Kosovo represents a complete breach of the UN Charter.

If the lost prestige of these UN Organisation is not restored, its existence would not be of positive value for peaceful world order.It remains to a future Democratic Party President if elected to give back to the world a real meaning to Democracy, bring back the UN System as an Organisation of Nations – a forum to settle disputes among member states. Such a UN system should uphold the Charter, prohibiting member state from taking arms against another, overstepping the UN Security Council. America should learn to respect other nations whatever their political systems.

Bush administrations' preoccupation is its military superiority, even when it repeats to the developing nations that they should resort to political solutions even with terrorists. The recent shooting down the defective satellite is said to have been staged manage to test the latest American interceptor missile. It is another instance of American hypocrisy, because when China shot down a weather satellite America criticised it , but now what was criticised when done by China, is being repeated by America. America under Bush seeks military superiority to be in a position to command obedience of other nations.

America after Bush should change itself to be different, to understand that it is not necessarily the Military and economic superiority that would make it popular, or make other nations accept its leadership. America should learn to settle world problem through dialogue, generosity, compromise, understanding, and compassion. Even states which the USA consider undemocratic such as Burma, North Korea, Serbia or Cuba would be amenable if America adopts a different approach to them. The American Administration should accept that the other Nations have a right to exist along with their systems of government even if they are different from that of America.

The worst legacy of Bush's Presidency is the war handicapped , mutilated American youth, and the memories of the deaths of the youthful Americans who died for a meaningless war in Iraq, having been sent to dispossess Iraq of the imagined stock pile of weapons of mass destruction.

It is time that America takes the initiative to stop continued experiment in development of military weapons, and instead develop close ties with other leading nations to protect the earth and its atmosphere, and to promote peace on earth.

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