


By Walter Jayawardhana

India’s pro-Tamil Tiger leader Pazha Nedumaran is scheduled to visit London to be engaged in fund raising activities of the proscribed terrorist group the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), sources close to Mari Amma Temple in Tooting London, said.

“Nedumaran is scheduled to address a gathering at the LTTE owned temple, March 29, but his visa has yet to be cleared by the British authorities,” the sources further indicated. The temple authorities admitted he is scheduled to speak but said his arrival cannot be confirmed as his visa is yet to be issued.

Golden Lambert and A.C.Shanthan , two accused who are out on bail on LTTE fund raising charges against them under Britain’s anti-terrorist laws are reportedly the main organizers of the Nedumaran fund raising event.

Nedumaran is the leader of Thamil Desiya Iyakkam, an extremist political party of Tamil Nadu who was arrested few days ago in Chennai for demonstrating for the LTTE with 164 of his supporters. The demonstration that was able to attract only a fraction of the crowds it used to attract for anti-Sri Lanka events in Chennai earlier was held to protest what they called the supply of arms by India for the genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka.

he demonstration, which was held at the Memorial Hall , near a Railway Station in Chennai , was also joined by another political party Viduthalai Chiruthalgai Katchi also called Dalit Panthers but efforts of both parties was not sufficient to attract big crowds, observers said.

The fundraising event scheduled, is to take place at 180-186 Upper Tooting Road, Tooting , London SW17 7EJ. Nedumaran is going to be joined by Neganethram Karunanidhi and N. Siva Nethram , both from Tamil Nadu.

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