

LTTE terrorists commit bloodbath against civilians; 24 killed and over 40 wounded - Piliyandala

LTTE terrorists have carried out a cowardly bomb attack targeting innocent civilians who were returning home after office hours at Pliyandala this evening. According to the police sources, the bomb has been exploded inside a Ceylon Transport Board bus at Piliyandala public bus stand. 24 people including a Buddhist incumbent have been killed and over 40 people have suffered injuries, the sources added.

Most of the victims received injuries were admitted to the teaching hospital at Kalubowila while other were rushed to the Piliyandala hospital, sources added.

The explosion occurred when the bus just taken out from the stand for moving its destination, Kahapola, sources further said.

LTTE is a ruthless terrorist outfit notorious for committing crimes against innocent civilians. In its pursuit for a mono ethnic separate homeland for Tamils, the outfit has killed and maimed over tens and innocent people in routine bus bombing , train bombing, village massacres and etc.

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