

Tamil Tigers “tricked London Police into allowing pro-terrorist event'

By Walter Jayawardhana

LONDON’S Evening Standard newspaper revealed that the liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) terrorist group has obtained permission to hold its “heroes’ day event by tricking the metropolitan Police of London.

A report by correspondent Amar Singh said ,”The Metropolitan Police has been tricked by terrorists after allowing a Tamil Tiger event to go ahead in London, it was claimed today.”

The report said the permission has been obtained by concealing the real purpose of the event.

The report said,”Supporters of the National Awakening Day at the ExCel centre say it draws more than 25,000 members of the capital's Tamil community to mourn loved ones who have been killed in Sri Lanka's civil war.

“But critics claim Thursday's event commemorates suicide bombers, is in clear violation of British anti-terror legislation and is run by groups which raise funds for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

“The LTTE is a banned terrorist organisation, also known as the Tamil Tigers, whose leader is on Interpol's most wanted list.

“The annual event coincides with the birthday of LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran, who is lionised by Tamils across the world as a freedom fighter against a Sinhalese government which has denied them equal rights. Tamils around the world celebrate 27 November as "heroes day".

“Last year it featured a speech from Prabhakaran broadcast via a satellite link in which he praised the "immeasurable dedication and sacrifice" of the Black Tigers, the group's suicide contingent.

“Scotland Yard has given the event the go ahead this year but officers will be monitoring all speeches with interpreters to ensure British laws are not broken.

“A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: "We have consulted with both the organisers and the centre and an appropriate policing plan will be in place." A spokesman for Sri Lankans Against Terrorism said: "The police have been tricked by the LTTE, who are very clever with their propaganda. Would they allow an Islamist group to have an event on Bin Laden's birthday with a speech from him?"

“A spokesman for the Sri Lankan High Commission said: "The government of Sri Lanka does not support this event and has always expressed its reservations to the authorities concerned."

“One of the event's organisers, Nathan Kumar, told the Standard: "This is for remembering the thousands of Tamil people who have been killed in the conflict and this is permitted under British law. It is not in support of terrorism."(

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