

Sri Lanka raises voice in support of Non-Aligned Movement's resolutions at Human Rights Council Session

The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations Office at Geneva
27th March 2008

H.E. Ambassador Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka at the Human Rights Council

Statement by H.E. Ambassador Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations at the Seventh Session of the Human Rights Council prior to the adoption of the Resolution titled "Composition of the staff of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights", A/HRC/7/L.8/Rev.1.

"Mr. President, Sri Lanka urges that the sprit of this initiative be recognized by all in this house. The spirit of the initiative which Sri Lanka is supporting is not directed against the Office of the High Commissioner. It is intended to strengthen the Office by strengthening its credibility. It is intended to enhance the independence of the Office of the High Commissioner.

Mr. President, we need an Office which will be a lighthouse of human rights, a lighthouse whose beam plays across the horizon back and forth. We do not need an Office which is opaque or indecipherable, standing above us like Kafka's castle. This is why Sri Lanka supports the effort to make the Office more authentically representative of regions and peoples.

We believe that in so broadbasing the Office, in making it a more accurate mirror of the planet, it will be able to discharge its functions far more effectively and it will find itself a more greatly empowered and authentically independent institution.
Not independent of some but dependent on others, but independent of all above the fray and recognized as such universally. Thank you, Mr. President."

Statement by H.E. Ambassador Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka at the Seventh Session of the Human Rights Council prior to the adoption of the Resolution titled "Mandate of the independent expert on the effects of foreign debt and other related international financial obligations of States on the full enjoyment of all human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights", A/HRC/7/L.9.

"Thank you, Mr. President, Sri Lanka will support the text because we do not agree with the criticism that much of the substance belongs elsewhere. Mr. President, the Human Rights Council must not give up the responsibility to examine human rights in a holistic manner. This includes discussing the roots and context in which violations of human rights take place.

Mr. President, we also know the famous divide between socio-economic and cultural rights on the one hand and political rights on the other. This is sometimes referred to as the distinction between individual and collective rights. We believe that this text attempts to bridge this divide.
It is a bridging exercise that is vitally necessary. Bringing together the concerns of individuals and collectives, of North and South. For this reason, Sri Lanka shall vote yes if it comes up for a vote. Thank you."

Statement by H.E. Ambassador Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka at the Seventh Session of the Human Rights Council prior to the adoption of the Resolution titled "Mandate of the independent expert on human rights and international solidarity", A/HRC/7/L.12.

"Thank you, Mr. President, Sri Lanka intends to vote yes for two very simple but very fundamental reasons. Mr. President, we know the lamentable effects of the split between the three great slogans, the triad of slogans of the French revolution: liberty, equality and fraternity. One part of the world privileged one of the three terms, and another part of the world, during the 20th century, privileged the other two. We think that the triadic nature of the three goals should be emphasized and we think this text by focusing on solidarity, brings back the dimension of equality and fraternity, linking it with the great goal of liberty.

The second reason, Mr. President that we shall vote in favour is that we remember the words, the phrase, of the late Pope John Paul II who repeatedly spoke of the need for the globalization of solidarity. For these two reasons Mr. President, we shall vote in favour. Thank you." ©

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