

Mano Ganeshan’s Rules of The Arbitrary Game

Sisira Pereira, Panadura

Mano Ganeshan is unhappy that Angela Kane did not visit him but instead met with the JVP. His office in communiqué has said,

“We consider JVP an extremist party, which is pushing the government towards war, which is the direct cause for the issues of human rights violations and IDPs”


Mano Ganeshan’s deduction that war is the direct cause for the issues of human rights of the IDPs can not be argued. What can, nevertheless, be questioned is that whether Mano Ganeshan will be equally capable of publicly identifying the "mass murderer" behind the inception of this bloody war that has plagued the country for 25 years and displaced thousands from the North and the East in his attempt to carve a mono-ethnic enclave called Tamil elam.

Hopefully, Mano Ganeshan would not chose to tell that it is the JVP!

Now it would be interesting to know what Mano Ganeshan thinks of the LTTE headed by Prabakaran. Since Ganeshan is an award-winning Human Rights activists (is he really?) and since he is so worried about extreme parties that push for war jeopardizing the IDPs, perhaps it is the right time for him to issue an equally appropriate comment regarding the LTTE too.

Due to the obvious fact that Prabakaran and the LTTE has pushed the successive governments for nothing else but war for 25 years that had displaced thousands, may be Mano Ganeshan could publicly (or in a communiqué) mention that the LTTE is far more an extremist party, which the international delegates, who may be visiting Sri Lanka in the time to come, should NOT meet with.

Surely, Mano Ganeshan has a moral responsibility to warn those "unsuspecting" foreign nationals!!

Yet, it will be far more complicated matter for Mano Ganeshan, if he tries to do that. Perhaps Mano Ganeshan’s love for the betterment of the IDPs would be weighed against the love for his own dear life, with the realization that nobody who had spoken against the LTTE and its terrorism had lived to see the light of any additional days.

Mano Ganeshan may have to ask for more security from the Defence Ministry, if insomuch as he allows his mouth to utter those words against the LTTE, however much unhappy he may feel about the situation of the IDPs that Prabakaran masterminded on his own for more than two decades.

So for Mano Ganeshan, it is virtually risk free and safe game to call the JVP or any other party, other than the LTTE, as extremists, as it will only help him win more western-sponsored awards, speech opportunities, interviews and reception, while absolutely not pose any life-threatening scares what-so-ever from the parties he puts the blame on.

Therefore, for Mano Ganeshan, the award-winnable title of speech is “War & Human Rights in Sri Lanka”. However, the forbidden word has to be the “LTTE”.

Mano Ganeshan can speak and issue communiqués endlessly as long as he adheres to the rules of the game. Winner gets it all, trophies, international recognition and evrything. Only that the forbidden word should not be mentioned at all times.

If the rules are ignored, he loses all his rights to participate in games of issuing communiqués and participating at local and international human rights forums, simply because the "international appeal" would not be there.

In addition, thumping democratically-elected parties are far safer than trying to pinch a terrorist gang of which the results will be far-reaching and fatal.

Human rights too has limitations when dealing with entities like the LTTE. Mano Ganeshan would know that more than any other.

Thus, how can anybody blame him for issuing communiques calling the JVP an extremist party pushing for war and not calling the LTTE the same 1000 or more times over?

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