



By Walter Jayawardhana

World Tamil Movement was so powerful and influential in Canada that even it helped host Canadian Federal Finance Minister Paul Martin and International Cooperation Minister Maria Minna both of the Liberal Party to a dinner to raise funds, May 6 2000.
No doubt during Canada’s liberal rule, the organization had smoother sailing.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police in affidavits filed in courts after nine years, have said that the World Tamil Movement is not only linked to the Sri Lankan terrorist group the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam but in essence it is an integral part of the movement.

RCMP Corporal DeAnna Hill has written in an affidavit - "I believe this letter is definitive evidence that the World Tamil Movement is not only linked to the LTTE but is, in essence, a fundamental part of the LTTE and its terrorist campaign".

The letter cited by the Mounted Police affidavit is a document, which has seized from the office of the WTM in a court-authorized raid in Toronto.

Written during “peacetime “ by the International Coordination Centre of the LTTE, the letter says, “As per our Leader's plan, and in line with the plans that we shared amongst all Responsible Persons, Secretaries and supporters around the world during peacetime, in order to share the burden of current projects and construction activities undertaken in the last two years, we hope you would have created a good rapport with our people. By harvesting these relationships, we need to see a healthy increase in the fund contributions of the Diaspora. It is the duty and responsibility of every one of you, as Branch Secretaries, to win over the hearts of the displaced Tamils and augment the funds collection.”.

“ There are some signs that the war could resume once again. In line with the great foresight of our Leader (Velupillai Prabhakaran), the time has come to rebuild our armed forces. We have to rebuild the strength of our Liberation Movement. Our navy needs new vessels. Existing ones need refurbishment. There is a need to strengthen our Artillery division. We need to add new, modern artillery guns. We are at a critical stage when we need to fulfil several emergency requirements....”

In a different affidavit by Royal Canadian Mounted Police Corporal Shireley daverman said the LTTE controlled the Montreal based World Tamil Movement as one of their “foreign branches” to raise funds for war and spreading propaganda.

Daverman said , "The WTM is a foreign branch of the LTTE in Canada," and its members follow written directives from the Tigers' leadership.

"The WTM is a foreign branch of the LTTE in Canada," she said, and its members follow written directives from the Tigers' leadership.

"In 2003, the LTTE issued a document called the 'Re-organization of foreign branches of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam' in which they dictate precisely how they want their foreign branches to be structured and operated. The Quebec branch of the WTM has been structured and operates as per the above-noted document."

Commmenting about the LTTE Operations Manual which was seized during a 2006 raid the affidavit says , ." It instructs the foreign branches to "make all the necessary steps to receive monthly financial donations from each one of the Tamils . . . who are living in every country. These donations may be received through banks or in person."

According to the seized documents World Tamil Movement made arrangements for pre-authorized payment plans from the Tamils in the community in collaboration with banks. Between January, 2003, to February, 2008, the plan collected $302,000.

Coorporal Daverman further wrote in the April 1 dated affidavit, "The intransigence of the LTTE in the peace process is believed to be due in part to their ability to operate using funds raised from the Tamil diaspora, to which those in Canada are the major contributors. The WTM is an integral part of the LTTE strategy."

According to the document only those Tamils who paid were allowed to enter the LTTE controlled areas in Sri Lanka and people manning checkpoints exactly knew whether they paid or not.

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