

Norwegians Peoples Aid in Sri Lanka

Ira de Silva London, Ontario, Canada

The Editor
Oslo, Norway.

Dear Editor,

Norwegian Peoples Aid

I am writing to ask your help in making the public of Norway aware of the role of Norway in Sri Lanka where once again Norway seems to be assisting the terrorist organization the Liberation Tamils of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in an indirect manner. It has been reported that your aid agency Norwegians Peoples Aid has in the past week either supplied or "made available" their vehicles in the areas in which the LTTE operate, specifically Killinochchi district. The NPA claims the vehicles taken over by the terrorists include heavy earth moving vehicles, four trucks, a tractor, several land cruiser jeeps which NPA had taken into Killinochchi supposedly for humanitarian work. These items are now being used by the terrorists to build bunkers, trenches, terror camps and to transport the terrorists leaders. The question is why the NPA handed over these items without protest or publicity even in Sri Lanka. In the Sudan about two years ago, when four Norwegian aid agencies, the NPA being one of them, claimed they were "attacked" they withdrew their "aid" and it was front page news in your newspaper. If they were not "attacked" in Killinochchi, they must have handed this aid to terrorists willingly because they have not protested or made it public. Is it therefore not reasonable to conclude that they are providing "aid" not to the people but to the terrorists in Sri Lanka?

Given the tactics used by the LTTE in the past to stage manage events to get them publicity and grab headlines claiming that the government security forces are targeting foreign aid agencies, the least the NPA could have done and must do even at this late stage is to advise all Sri Lankans via the media that their vehicles/equipment is now being used by the LTTE. It is well known in Sri Lanka that there is a close connection to the LTTE of many NGO's who are funded by Norway. I am sure you are aware that there is documentary evidence to prove that for many years Norwegian funds have been directed towards helping the LTTE. Even today, Norwegian funding is helping organizations to undermine the will of the people of Sri Lanka who want an end to LTTE terrorism by indirectly supporting the LTTE to continue it's terrorism. This indirect aid is under the guise of "facilitating peace". The people of Sri Lanka are fully aware of these Norwegian funded , anti Sri Lanka groups. I trust that Norwegians People Aid is not one of them.

I am sure the public in Norway are aware of the fact that Norway, posing as the "facilitator" in peace talks between the terrorists and the government of Sri Lanka, did much to help bolster the LTTE, by providing political support, money, diplomatic immunity and attempting to legitimize a terrorist organization who according to the FBI of the U.S.A. are the most ruthless terrorists in the world today. It is also well known that Eric Solheim, who it is said personally benefited from his alliance with the LTTE, spearheaded these efforts and was rewarded with a gold medal from the leader of the LTTE. Once again, when the LTTE are in trouble they have turned to their "saviour" Norway to help them.
We are hearing the usual "song" that the LTTE are willing to resume their farcical peace talks, that the facilitator MUST be Norway and the Norwegians have indicated that they are ready and willing to do what the LTTE ask.

The question is whether Norwegians Peoples Aid is acting on the instructions of the Norwegian government to help the LTTE or are their leaders on the ground making these decisions to assist terrorists on their own? If it is the latter, then far from being an "aid"
organization the NPA is an extension of LTTE terrorism in Sri Lanka. I am copying the officials of NPA and trust that they will have a credible answer for their actions which appear to "support" the LTTE. If they do not support the LTTE, then it is imperative that they reclaim their vehicles immediately and take them out of LTTE controlled areas.

Yours truly,

Ira de Silva
London, Ontario, Canada

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