



During the Kargill intrusion by the Pakistani forces in the recent past print and electronic media in India eschewed all their petty differences, commercial rivalries political affiliations and stood as a single force to condemn the intruding enemy and precipitate a whirlwind of patriotic fervour among the masses and advocate them to rise above parochial differences and express solidarity and assist the Javaans (soldiers) in every possible manner. Following this appeal, celebrities as well as ordinary folk and politicians of different hues stood solidly behind the Indian soldiers fighting in the Kargil mountain range that greatly helped total defeat of the intruding forces. Unfortunately such solidarity against the common enemy is something weird and anathema in Sri Lanka which is satiated with progenies having the blood of their treacherous ancestors still running in their veins and with scoundrels unhesitant to help the enemy for temporal gains being accrued from enemies and their proxies.

The stance taken by the media rascals licking the boots of enemy and foreign masters, NGO vultures and the alienophile political desperados in the recent Muhamalai encounter is a gross humiliation for the bravery of our gallant security forces who courageously confront the enemy forces even under the worst conditions upholding the bravery and the fighting spirit of great soldiers who fought alien aggressors under our great Kings Dutugemunu, Mayadunne, Wimaladharmasuriya and others.

These aforementioned shameless alienophile mercenaries made desperate attempts to repress condemnation of the terrorists, exaggerate the casualty figures of our soldiers, minimize the accounts of enemy losses, politicize and criticize the security forces, create antipathy and hatred in the minds of family members of security forces towards the security establishment, blame the high ranking security forces officers for endangering the life and limb of soldiers as sacrificial lambs, and drive the highly paid message that military operation in the North is unwinnable, imprudent and fatal.

The unprincipled, immoral, shameless rump-UNP led by Mr. Ranil Wickremasinghe which is unhesitant to scoop to any bottom level and join forces with any rogue group for political gains made a shameless attempt to project that the Muhamalai confrontation as a politically motivated drive launched by the security forces to provide a political mileage for the government in the Eastern Province election. Politically insolvent foulmouths Lakshman Kiriella and Tissa Attanayake, surpassed all decency in blaming the security establishments.

Presenting highly exaggerated casualty figures with a hidden motive to create anti-war sentiments in the country (the same strategy being adopted by terrorists by murdering innocent people) these skunks blamed that the government lacks a proper strategy to defend the South while being engaged in the war in the North and ridiculously alleged that publicsing military strategies by senior military officials led to this what they called a “debacle”.

They have been forced to swallow their own spew due to an unpardonable treachery done by their own spineless leader by failing to divulge information known to him on the terrorist plans to attack our security forces in Muhamalai. .

Pro-UNP Sunday Times reported that when Tamil National Alliance (TNA) leader R. Sambanthan and others met Opposition United National Party (UNP) leader Ranil Wickremesinghe last week to discuss the Eastern Province elections, they have disclosed that there was some military build-up in the Muhamalai area, and the LTTE was getting ready to challenge the offensive.

As a responsible politican and the leader of the Opposition he was duty bound to pass this vital information to the Government Authorities and at least help the security forces to adopt a contingency plan and rout the converging terrorists by using air power. If that was done our Air Force could have wiped out the terrorists and destroyed their artillery forcing the terrorist leader to jump into the sea and his minions to bite their cyanide pills. Instead of performing this national obligation, this shameless individual allowed the forces to walk into the jaws of the terrorists and face casualties and get killed and wounded. This treacherous alienophile and terrorist proxy should be held totally responsible to each and every invaluable soldier killed and wounded in Muhamalai and members of their families and the patriotic masses should not allow him and his cronies to go scot-free on this deplorable treachery, and betrayal of our security forces.

World history is replete with incidents of opposing political parties/groups joining hand with each other to confront a common enemy as political differences are immaterial when it comes to a question of nation’s sovereignty and integrity. Nowhere in the world we may find an opposition party and the opposition leader supporting the enemy forces and acting as the proxies of the enemies. This is not the first time the UNP under the leadership of this spineless leader had betrayed the nation and our gallant security forces. This treachery is equally reprehensible to the betrayal carried out in disclosing the identities of the security personnel attached to the Long Range Deployment Unit wich ultimately got totally annihilated causing a great loss to the nation.

The NGO vultures too have taken advantage of this incident to renew their wild claim that the war cannot be winnable. The notorious terrorist-proxy worshipping Norwegians and the terrorist outfit claiming of a very high casualty rate in the batllefront has argued through a pro-UNP publication that “anyone in their proper senses who values human life above all other values” should seek alternative means to solve the conflict without resorting to war and avoid bloodbaths. These dollar vultures in real terms do not wish for an end to the war and crave either for a prolonged conflict or to force the government to enter into a peace façade as such a scenario would guarantee them a continuous flow of foreign funds, foreign trips and super-luxury existence.

The most despicable account was the manner the incident was reported in the infamous Sunday rag-sheet, which showed no admiration for our security forces but highly venerated the terrorist enemy for what it called for their acumen and prowess. Its lead article on the incident was full of exaggeration, lies and imaginations. Speaking on behalf of the “well-heeled in Colombo” it makes a disgraceful attempt to mislead the masses and build up hatred towards the security forces and the government. The mention it has made that “ the LTTE handed over the bodies of dead soldiers to the ICRC, and the dead bodies of the LTTE were dumped at the Jaffna Hospital by the army” itself speak volumes on the journalistic ethics of these terrorist-proxy scoundrels.

The government and the security forces should not get least bothered or swayed by these misinformation and anti-war campaigns and make intensified efforts to assault the terrorist enemies on all fronts with all the forces at its disposal and should totally wipe out the terrrorists as it was successfully and splendidly carried out in the Eastern Province.

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