



It is common on Lankan media or Lankan web sites to see US being painted as all bad. Many pundits write and complain about the way US goes about doing its business whether it is US foreign policy or fiscal policy. It is also equally common to see the very same writers glorify countries like Russia or China or even poverty stricken Cuba with immense bouquets of flowers.

I remember during the late 80's when JVP was running amok in Lanka one guy called Prof Silva who was a very active JVPier at the time even removed the label on the Coca Cola bottle as according to his distorted thinking it represented US imperialism. He was a habitual US basher. Only later it transpired that his son was studying in the US. Not in Russia or Cuba mind.

Then there was the wife of infamous, murderous JVP leader Wijeewera. After Wijeweera's well deserved execution she and the children went to comforts of Capitalist Britain. Not Russia or Cuba mind that Wijeweera spent a lifetime glorifying.

Then the question of approx. half million Sri Lankan living and working very productively with their families in the US enjoying the fruits of a society built by the hard work of Americans. On the contrary how few Sri Lankan want to or even allowed to live and work in Russia or China-both countries being wealthy. Many once non capitalist rich countries like China, Russia, Cuba, Brazil or even mighty Japan slam the door shut on poor Lankans while the countries who are commonly vilified by our press and the like extend a helping hand to us and make them realize their dreams too on the wealth created by their ancestors..

Rather than spending valuable time on earth criticizing the very countries that lend a helping hand why not spend the time and efforts to investigate and bring to justice our own Lankan leaders who not only rob poor people's wealth but also treat our own people like dirt. How many thousands of them have amassed wealth outside the country that truly belongs to the Lankan people. One might need an entire cyber space to write volumes on them and their activities.

This reminds me the good old proverb that those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. It may even expose the under garments...

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