

I need a response

Asoka Werasinghe Ottawa, Canada

December 30, 2007

Rt.Hon. Keith Vaz
Labour MP for Leicester East
British House of Commons
London, UK

Dear Keith Vaz:

In my last letter to you of December 28, I said, “Thanks for making an effort to respond to my queries to “help me to know Keith Vaz ‘better’, and also to understand your psyche regarding your affection for the ruthless bunch of killers, the Tamil Tigers.

I concluded my letter by saying,
You may want to know, after all this civilized dialogue with you whether I now know, British Labour MP Keith Vaz better? Of course I do.

“I believe that Keith Vaz cared more about enhancing his own power and political position within his British Labour party and wants to usher Peace in Sri Lanka by supporting Tamil Tiger terrorism, a mind-set that is well entrenched in him, as it is in other Rogue-Parliamentarians around the world who think that Sri Lanka is their business. Keith Vaz is a sly politician and quite a slimy one at that who will do anything to wriggle out of a situation if he has to target the Tamil Tigers as a terrorist organization.

Do I believe whether he is an honest man? No. Will I vote for him? Of course not.

Keith, at least I am honest with my opinion about you…..”

When asked about the Anti-Terrorist Police probing you on your participation at the Tamil Heroes Day rally and I told you that I said, “Good get the bastard!” you were quite definite and vehement when you said, “There is no probe that I am aware of.”

You also told me in your post of December 27, “I have met the Sri Lankan High Commissioner on a number of occasions. She has never told me that the All Party Group is unacceptable to her.

Keith Vaz, I did my own bit of probing to give you the benefit of my doubts, and do you know what Keith, my crystal ball reading about you did not let me down.

Ha!...well…well…well…Keith…Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the liar of them all? I am told that the Sri Lankan Government through her highest representative in the UK had expressed their displeasure about Keith Vaz, the Labour MP’s participation at the Mahveer rally, and that you are now being investigated by the Metro-Police Anti-Terrorist Squad.

What is strange about what you said is that, when every important media outlet around the world had high-lighted the Anti-Terrorist Police probe, and I kept saying, “Good get the bastard!”, you seem to be oblivious to what is going on around you. Strange! As I told you in my assessment about you, I am vindicated for concluding that you are another “Rogue-Parliamentarian” who thinks that Sri Lanka is his business.

Since you have turned yourself into a voodoo doll with your support for the Tamil Tigers, although you are shying away to admit it, and every one is stabbing a curse pin into you, I want to extend one more courtesy to you. To clear doubts in the minds of your adversaries, and your defense of your innocence as a worker within the “Parliamentary Democracy”, I want your permission to make your December 27 and 28 posts to me and my replies, to be made public. If I don’t hear from you in the negative by January 3, 2008, I will release it to all and sundry who have been concerned about your participation at the Tamil Tiger Heroes Day celebrations.

Yours sincerely,

Asoka Werasinghe
Ottawa, Canada

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