

Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka Pledges Continued Efficient Service in the New Year

The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations Office at Geneva
01st January 2008

The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UN and WTO in Geneva, Switzerland, welcomed the New Year 2008 by its staff collectively taking the pledge of service to continue to serve the public of Sri Lanka to the best of their ability.

H.E. Dayan Jayatilleka, Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the UN highlighted that the coming year would mark an important turning point for Sri Lanka, and he emphasized the importance of all staff members to continue to work diligently in 2008, to contribute to the Mission's role in helping the country progress.

Ambassador Jayatilleka also underlined the importance of 2008 for Sri Lanka, which would be celebrating the 60th Anniversary of its Independence.

Staff members of the UN Division, Multilateral Trade Affairs Division and the Consulate, participated in this ceremony, which included the hoisting of the National Flag by H.E. Ambassador Jayatilleka and H.E. Chulabhaya Magedaragamage, Ambassador/PR to the WTO, and the singing of the National Anthem.

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