

Keep on Moving - Do Not Take POWs

Prof. Hudson McLean

The Sri Lankan Defence Forces under the command of President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Defence Secretary Gothabhaya Rajapaksa have executed an excellent professional job. Good Leadership. Valiant Soldiers!

Forget the BBC. UN Human Rights. The Western Media. These are just hot air balloons which are a waste of Time & Space.

The current mandate is to totally anihilate the LTTE and Terrorism created by a handful of Tamil Dalits. This should receive absolute support from all Sri Lankans.

India has a political problem although the Indian Govedrnment appreciate the efforts to anihilate terrorism, before it engulfs India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

When Singapore invited Sri Lanka to join the ASEAN, it was the Tamils of Sri Lankan origin who prevented the move. Most of the first generation Tamils in Singapore are of Sri Lankan origin.

The professional efforts of the SLDF has proven that they can clean up the Tamil gutter-vermin from this beautiful island.

Now that the LTTE are encircled, the SLDF should draw a sea curtain with the help of the Indian Navy and US Navy.

Simultaneously, the SLDF should use air power like the Israelis did.

One question which needs an answer is, why hasn't the Radar identified the point of origin of the LTTE aircraft at take-off? Surely the last effort of the LTTE aircrafts flight paths were on the Radar. Therefore why can't the airforce conduct a carpet-bombing Search & Destroy mission in the Kilinochchi region?

During the SLDF efforts, the SLDF should go with a clear objective; Search & Destroy. Take No prisoners!

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