


By Walter Jayawardhana

Sri Lankan Journalist, Philip Fernando's book "Barack Obama Feasting on Freedom" hit the news stands this week. Former Deputy Editor of the Sunday Observer, currently domiciled in California, became the first commentator to analyse the two-year campaign of Obama in all its details. He had a ringside view of the battle when it all began. He wrote "Barack Hussein Obama burst into the political landscape as the one of the most dynamic personalities of this decade. Obama is really your standard corn-fed kid from Kansas who has a funny name but with unstoppable traction towards greatness" The book contains all aspects of the gruelling campiagn in an easy to read style.

The book captures a chasm in time in Obama's life almost unimaginable. It gives details of the beginnings of a long primary season in July 2007 to the national election of November 2008, and how the Obama phenomenon took hold in a mind-boggling fashion. The Book's main thesis is that what motivated Obama to seek the presidency was the notion that America must cohere as a nation on the strength of her ideas and not be defined solely by its diverse ethnicity, cultural bonds and commitment to democracy.

How that thought itself got validated is shown in the pages of the book. The long drawn-out gauntlet that marked Obama's rise is presented here in detail. The Book stated that "The concept of change itself went up a notch or two as people's awareness levels reached dizzy heights. Obama's change would open the flood gates to a new way of thinking. The odds faced were steep and the road treacherous. The mechanics of survival to thwart a starkly backward looking stance were crafted as he marched forward."

In short, what went into the makings of Barrack Obama was made for the story books. Fascination summed up that quest. The highlights were exciting to behold. The cover is the creative work of Sunil de Alwis of Los Angeles. The book covers all the hectice moments of the gruelluing primary fight Obama had with Hillary Clinton and the battle of the Titana when Obama and McCain fought it to the finish. Book is avaialable at It is offered at a discounted price of Rs. 600 for the Sri Lankan readers.

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