

Open letter to The Rt.Hon. Lord Malloch-Brown Minister of State for Africa, Asia and
UN Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Ben Silva UK

The Rt.Hon. Lord Malloch-Brown
Minister of State for Africa, Asia and
UN Foreign and Commonwealth Office,
House of Commons
London, UK

Dear Sir,
UK- Please safeguard human rights by stopping the funds to Tamil Tiger terrorists

I am referring to an article that appeared on Tamilnet with the title "Britain to get tough with Sri Lanka - Minister ", ref
The article says you would join the European allies in taking a stronger position against Colombo over human rights abuses.

I wish to point out that the Tamil tiger terrorist group, LTTE started the separatist war in Sri Lanka. LTTE started the racist, Tamil expansionist war, and GoSL is simply defending itself from the terror unleashed by LTTE. Please do not forget that UK, in order to defeat terrorism, invaded Iraq and Afghanistan resulting in over 150000 civilian deaths. I really do not wish to mention the torture of innocent people at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo bay camps. Neither do I wish to mention the bombings that terrorised Iraqi civilians, deliberately done to create 'awe'. Surely, the British conduct in Iraq resulted in Human right abuses and don't you think any so called abuses in Sri Lanka are pale in comparison. Further, Sri Lankans are defending against Tamil racist empire building and many would like to know what the British and the Americans are doing in Iraq. I remember Rt Hon Tony Ben, the well respected former defence minister's comments about invasion of Iraq. Did he mention something about empire building and Iraqi oil ? I am sure you know what Rt Hon George Galloway said about the invasion of Iraq. I do not wish to embarrass the good Lord by mentioning mass deception, which Mr Blair termed as WMD. It is difficult to be critical of Sri Lanka, when UK and others invaded Iraq on a mere threat, whereas in the case of Sri Lanka, Tamil racist empire building terrorists, who want to emulate Chola invaders, actually occupy part of Sri Lanka and terrorise the whole island.

Let me get to the facts without beating about the bush. The whole mess in Sri Lanka is caused by UK turning a blind eye to Tamil Tiger terrorists. UK allowed LTTE to have its head quarters to be based in London, allowed its terror network to take root in UK, allowed the terror network to grow, funded bogus refugees, that funded the terrorists in turn. Now a massive number of bogus refugees are in UK, who are LTTE sympathisers. They carry out a massive disinformation campaign against Sri Lanka. Further, number of LTTE fronts also exist in UK, outside the reach of the UK law enforcement authorities. The number of Sinhalese in UK are insignificant in comparison to the number of Tamils, and the Sinhalese are not able to counter the massive disinformation campaign carried out by LTTE agents against Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan Government also has no mechanism to counter the LTTE disinformation campaign.

It is absolutely important that you realise and recognise the fact given below.
The LTTE's depends upon its global support network of Sri Lankan Tamil expatriates to progress the war in Sri Lanka. In a nutshell, LTTE depends on funding from UK and other Western countries. If you are so concerned about human rights abuses in Sri Lanka, why don't you stop the money flow to LTTE.? Why don't you stop the favouritism to Tamils and the discrimination against the Sinhalese ? Is it difficult to shake off the divide and rule habit ?

May I remind you that the Sinhalese have done absolutely no harm to UK, and yet the Sinhalese face discrimination when it comes to residency in UK. Don't you think it is unfair ?.

UK has allowed a massive number of Tamil bogus refugees into UK and heavily discriminated against the Sinhalese. This practice of UK, to favour Tamils and discriminate heavily against the Sinhalese has caused an imbalance in the political influence in UK. The massively large Tamil population, compared to the Sinhalese in UK, gives the Tamils, an unfair advantage in terms of political voice and power. Not only the Tamils have an unfair advantage in the political domain, they have a massive economic advantage as well, which they put into good use, in their propaganda war against Sri Lanka. The massive advantage to Tamils is due to the uncontrolled influx of Tamil bogus refugees into UK. UK authorities need to take full responsibility for the destabilisation of Sri Lanka, by the funds raised in UK by bogus refugees.

The human rights abuse in Sri Lanka is caused by terrorists that get their funding from UK. So clearly UK authorities have a responsibility for the deaths and destruction in Sri Lanka.

Further, if you watched the Panorama program on Iraq that was shown recently, you would have seen the human rights abuse conducted by British forces in Iraq.

I have absolutely no doubt that the problems in Sri Lanka are due to the lax immigration controls in UK and UK authorities turning a blind eye to fund raising by LTTE.

There is also evidence that LTTE is not on a liberating mission as they claim, but on a racist empire building mission, funded by global Tamils. LTTE use the emblem of an ancient South Indian invader in the LTTE flag. LTTE also has carried out ethnic cleansing in the areas they control. Only Tamils live in areas controlled by LTTE, showing the racist nature of LTTE. There are 80 million Tamils world wide and only 14 million Sinhalese world wide. It is the Sinhalese who are the minority in Global terms and under threat from racist Tamil empire builders.

You also need to be aware that majority of Tamils in Sri Lanka, live amongst the Sinhalese, spread all over Sri Lanka. Any problems faced by Tamils is not unique to them, but the Tamils appear to get extreme favouritism from UK authorities.

Natural justice

One of the key aspects of natural justice is "let the other side be heard". The lord has listened to the LTTE side of the story and made up his mind as to what is to be done without hearing the Sinhalese side. This is unjust and unfair. Very often the UK authorities and politicians hear only Tamil or LTTE version of event, which is unjust and unfair.
It is natural justice that, as UK has allowed LTTE to fund raise in UK, that lead to death and destruction in Sri Lanka, UK is held fully responsible for the death and destruction in Sri Lanka, and should compensate the victims of terrorism. It is just and fair that terror victims are compensated by UK, as UK allowed the terror organisation LTTE to exist, take root, grow and fund raise in UK.

The above statement should be considered by UK and Sri Lankan politicians and legal experts.

Not only UK turned a blind eye to terrorist fund raising that cause human rights abuse in Sri Lanka, UK also allow terrorist trainers and child abusers like Adele Balasingham to live freely in UK.

If UK is genuinely concerned about human rights, then it should not allow terrorists or their fronts to raise funds in UK. Violence or terrorism is not the method to be used to solve problems of humans. UK by allowing itself to be misled by terrorists, end up supporting terrorism.
UK authorities or politicians should not allow terrorists or strategically placed LTTE agents to mislead UK.

There are three significant effects of favouritism to Tamils and discrimination against the Sinhalese. These are:
1. Tamils have a political voice in UK and are able to lobby politicians effectively and the Sinhalese do not have the resources and the numbers to lobby UK politicians and their grievances go unheard. In effect, the Sinhalese have no means to counter LTTE propaganda.

2. The Tamils have a very powerful economic advantage over the Sinhalese, which LTTE again use very effectively to win the propaganda war.

3. LTTE is winning the propaganda war, mainly because of the wealth of LTTE. LTTE has profits in excess of 200 million dollars per year. LTTE has used its wealth to organise propaganda events such as the multi-party event at Westminster, meetings with MPs, exhibitions, media events, publications, entertain MPs, influence MPs such as Mr Vaz and Mr Hughes, fund raising events linked to propaganda etc. LTTE also employ paid campaigners to convey their message to politicians and others. Sri Lanka has no mechanism to neutralise LTTE propaganda. Some even suspect that the Sri Lankan embassy in London may be infiltrated by LTTE or misled by LTTE agents.

You need to be aware of a meticulously planned disinformation campaign that is carried out against Sri Lanka by LTTE and their agents. It is important that UK authorities and Politicians are not deceived by LTTE or their agents, in a manner similar to the Irish International University scam.

Further details of LTTE are given in reference [4], 'Real story behind Tamil Tigers'. Further information related to Tamil tigers are available in the SPUR website [6] and Lankaweb website [7].
In view of the information given to you, if you are genuinely concerned about Human rights in Sri Lanka, then please stop fund raising by LTTE or their fronts in EU countries and end the discrimination to the Sinhalese.


1. Tiger taxation 1
2. Tiger taxation part 2
3. LTTE female child soldiers (virgin killers and Adela Balasingham )

4 Real Story Behind Tamil Tigers

5. Sri Lanka - A comprehensive view of the current situation
6. SPUR -

7. Lankaweb -

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