

Janaka Perera Confirms My Suspicions!

Dilrook Kannangara

It jumped from his mouth, just like another Ranil episode! The retired General openly declared that he will remove some of the defences of the Sri Lankan security forces if he was elected the Chief Minister of the NCP. He is blissfully unaware that Chief Ministers do not have the powers to do so although he plans to disrupt the present military operations! That partly explains why he is barred from entering military establishments. The unprecedentedly successful present military strategy has encompassed the TMVP into its functioning which proved highly successful. Today TMVP is doing a commendable job in maintaining security in the East and along LTTE entry points into the East. No one knows these routes better than former Tigers and it has proved very effective. By removing these vital security posts and terrain-conscious fighters who are manning these, the treacherous General-turned-politician is doing the LTTE a favour. Is this part of the deal with the LTTE wherein the LTTE agreed to drop allegations of war crimes against him?

The North Central Province is at the heart of the unprecedentedly successful present military campaign in the North and a traitor at the helm of the NCP will immensely hinder progress of the military campaign. He has up to this date failed to declare his stand on this war (the unprecedentedly successful present military campaign). Believing in a military crush of the LTTE and supporting this war (the unprecedentedly successful present military campaign) are two different things.

He screams loud against Mangalam Master who is a contestant from the other camp. But why doesn't he make any allegation or take any action against mammoth LTTE activists within the UNP? Jayalath Jayawardena, Mano Ganeshan, Rauf Hakeem are some of the prominent LTTE sympathisers within the UNP and Perera has no problem with them. Perera only finds fault with those who are aligned with security forces and sleeps well with LTTE sympathisers. The more he threatens Mangalam Master, the further Tamil voters move away from Perera in Anuradhapura and Pollonnaruwa districts. This highlights another weak point in the character of the retired General. Although he throws his weight around among the weak, he surrenders at the feet of his notoriously powerful masters.

Perera demands an investigation into the massacre of policemen and security forces personnel in 1990 in the East but doesn't bother demanding an investigation into the surrender order that was given by the then President and the Defence Minister that cascaded down through army and police top ranks. Had they not obeyed the surrender order (as some officers did), they may be still alive!

Before getting elected to office, Perera has become a massive burden to the country. His eight (8) man (possibly more) security circle along with equipment, vehicles and incidental expenses cost the country over five (5) million rupees a year! If in the unfortunate event he was elected, it will increase many times more.

Perera alleges that the President offered to appoint him the Sri Lankan High Commissioner to the UK and India. Imagine an Australian citizen becoming the Sri Lankan High Commissioner to the UK or India! What a joke? Perera claims that the President wanted him not to get into provincial politics at the time he returned from Australia. Was the President thinking about provincial council elections at that time? According to Perera the President had offered him money and a parliamentary seat! What stopped him from offering a ministry? Tell us some other jokes, Perera.

Some are citing past successes and conduct of Perera. None of those were achieved by the politician who is contesting the election today. The soldier of yesteryear underwent a complete change since and the residual politician has nothing to boast about serving the people.

Government should take appropriate legal action against those who try or threaten to remove defences, cause division within security forces and cause subversion and hindrance to the present military strategy.


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