

Liberals Have No Business Preaching Peace on Sri Lanka

ASOKA WEERASINGHE Gloucester, Ontario

The Editor

*Liberals Have No Business Preaching Peace on Sri Lanka*

I chuckled when I read your article about Liberal Foreign Affairs critic Bob Rae (RE: “A Liberal Approach to Foreign Policy,” March 26). He says Canada’s parliament must do more to address ongoing International conflicts, such as in Sudan and Sri Lanka.

Let me be absolutely blunt with Bob Rae. A Liberal government has no place to meddle with Sri Lanka’s humanitarian crisis as Canada under the Liberals abdicated the Pearsonian international conflict peacemaker crown when they let the Tamil Diaspora collect $2 million each month for
13 years to stuff the Tamil Tiger war chest.

In addition in 2000, Liberal Cabinet ministers Paul Martin and Maria Minna, together with other parliamentarians from the Greater Toronto Area, attended a Tamil Tiger fund raising dinner in Toronto. Worst of all, they used every excuse under the sun not to ban the Tamil Tigers as a terrorist organization when most western countries banned them.

The result is that all 31 million Canadians have Sinhalese blood on our hands. All this to garner 100,000 Tamil voted in the GTA ridings.

Since the Liberal Party’s Canada has been contributing to the problem in Sri Lanka, my advice to the Liberal party and Bob Rae is: Keep your hands off Sri Lanka’s crisis.

Gloucester, Ontario

*(This letter appeared in the EMBASSY magazine, Ottawa, on April 2, 2008. Embassy is distributed among all the Parliamentarians, Senators and Embassies in Canada)*

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