

What's wrong with Half Black?

Prof. Hudson McLean

What's wrong with being Half Black? Nothing's wrong!
They are just winning the Crowns!

First it was Tiger Woods - African American - Thai. The first non-white to gain the coveted Golf Green Jacket, a white-only sport in his twenties.

Today its Lewis Hamilton - Afro-Brit. Taking the F1 Crown. The first non-white to win the Crown, at the age of 23.

On the 4th November 2008, another Afro-American with a white American mother, creating world history to become the most powerful man on earth!

Where are the intellectually superior Asians in sport or politics?

Its about time, that the Asian countries should put their money where their mouths are, and focus on the sport arena, not just cricket.

The South Asian community in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka have a great deal of potential to cultivate and promote young talent. Both Hamilton and Woods were pushed forward by their fathers' when they were in their early teens.

Cricket being the religion of the South Asians, should now expand their horizons into other areas of sport and also politics, not only in their own countries, but also in their adopted motherlands.

One could ask today - Whats wrong with the Asians?

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