

When Leaders Degenerate Anarchy Sets In.


The Mervin Silva episode in Rupavahini premises is a classic example of people taking law to their own hand when the establishment fails to correct major abnormalities in society.

For years now this rowdy, ill educated, evil man who also happens to be a cabinet minister in the ruling party has been going around terrorizing, threatening and demeaning people of all walks. His story reminds me of the old Lankan proverb that when a monkey gets hold of a razor blade he cuts his own neck. Mervin Silva carries the unique distinction of abusing common decency ethics of the Lankan Parliament, Lankan Cabinet and Lankan Political Establishment with no impunity and with least concern for dignity of the much avowed Parliamentary Establishment when all norms of civilized living originate.

The Ruling Party, the Speaker of the House, The Law Enforcement establishment all have to take responsibility for failing to tame this rowdy man. How on earth can any party give leadership to a countries' people when they willfully turn the other way while one of the Leaders go bezirk like a wild elephant beats any rational thinking. Leaders are supposed to live exemplary lives -- so we are taught.

While President Rajapaksha surely can be admired for many good things he has done for Lanka, this is one chapter I am sure he likes closed as quickly as possible.

Finally some brave people in Rupavahini took the law to their own hand and manhandled and vilified this man called Mervin Silva. I am sure I am one of the millions of Lankans world over who feel Mervin Silva more than deserve what he got. But this episode also epitomizes what happens when the rule of law fails to take action. Anarchy sets in and ordinary people takes matters to their own hand.

Hopefully the governing party should have by now got the peoples' message loud and clear. Mervin Silva should be expelled forthright for failing to live upto the moral and ethical standards required from a member of parliament -- period. And see that he is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if he has broken any laws. This may restore some of the lost honor and trust people have on at least some of our leaders.

Failure to do so will prove peoples doubts that some closets are better kept closed.

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