

Strike Whilst The Iron is Hot!

Prof. Hudson McLean

Time is Right, in fact it is more than perfect for the SLDF to move forward with vengeance. The Sri Lankan public and the voices in Sri Lanka and abroad who are seeking peace, are right behind the SLG to finish off the LTTE in its tracks.

Like the American forces did successfully in Iraq, they took-out the two sons of Saddam Hussein, which made the "big, brave, glorious Leader" dig himself into a pit. Go after the next generation Charles Anthony, either take him in, or take him out. That will drive the father into a pit. With his medical condition, he will certainly perish like a Rat-in-a-Hole.

Then let Erik "Dosai" Solheim take his "two-for-a-penny" SLMM brigade out of the Island. Do not shed one tear for these double-faced hypocrites.

Concurrently move Sinhalese populations into the North and the North East. According to a LankaWeb article, more that 50% of the Tamils live amongst the Sinhala population, without problems.

Dilute the Tamil population in the North and North East provinces in the same proportion, at least. Give them (Sinhala) incentives, "start-up" assistance or soft-loans to start up agriculture, farming etc. Encourage foreign and domestic investors to set-up labour intensive industries..

Create infrastructure for shipping, tourism in Jaffna, Tricomalee, Batticoloa.

Offer privatised luxury road & rail transport for both freight and passenger transport. Japanese investors would love that. Japanese can bring both the inward funding for infrastructure, engines and rolling stock, as well as well-heeled consumers.

So much can be done without a large amount of fluid capital but with a little bit of intelligence.

Also, please try and educate the Ministers and bureaucrats on how to behave on TV. Get the speech right and be more audience (savvy) friendly. Many a time, when appearing on BBC, CNN, SKY, the programmes are global, not just Colombo and Kandy. Elocution is a must!!

President Mahinda Rajapaksa! You are educating your son in the UK. So did Velupillai Prabhakaran. The son who survives, leads!

Like the British SAS (James Bond brigade) - "One Who Dares, Wins".

The Time is Right! The Time ins NOW!
Strike Whilst The Iron is Hot!

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