

International Terrorism and selective amnesia


After the Mumbai terrorist attacks India's 9/11 quite rightly the whole world is appalled and saddened. Having said that one has to go back to analyse and understand how this form of terrorism started in the first place. If not there will be a knee jerk reaction and the violence could get bigger. Already there is a threat of war between India and Pakistan which could go nuclear. Condaleeza Rice the American secretary of state has been sent to calm things down.

The blame for the Mumbai attack has been very rightly put on the politicians of India by the public and lots of politicians are forced to resign. The reason for the agitation is the security of the country had been neglected. Quite right. What I would like to know however where these people were when India armed ,Trained Tamil terrorists in Sri Lanka ? What about the blatant gun running from Tamil Nadu ? Only about 200 have been killed in Mumbai but in Sri Lanka over 70000 people have been killed by the violence which was started by India. Leave Sri Lanka alone there were no candle lit protests when thousands of Muslims were killed in Gujarat. There is not one word in the media about these atrocities committed nor a hint of regret. The media is now accusing Pakistan of having a hand in the attack.

The hippocracy of the media and the politicians of course is not confined to India.
A day before this blatant attack in Mumbai Kieth Vaz a well known British MP of Indian descent was presiding over a meeting in the British Parliament the home of democracy listening to Vaiko a well known supporter of the LTTE and Prabahakaran . The LTTE is a Terrorist organisation banned in the UK. Is that not appalling. A blatant insult to British law. This man the very next day has the audacity to come over TV condemning the brutal violence in Mumbai. What hippocracy.To cap this all on the same day as the attack there were 4 British MPs listening to Prabahakarans speech in London . Prabahakaran as we all know is an accused in the murder of Rajiv Gandhi the former prime Minister of India leave alone the number of terrorists acts in Sri Lanka. And also the leader of the UK Banned LTTE.

Politicians of the world over especially from those countries who call themselves the international community are the cause of all the violence in this world. From Congo to Afghanistan. There modus operandi has been simple. Most of the powerful so called democratic countries have armed ,trained given refuge to disgruntled groups to violate sovereignty of countries especially the smaller and weaker ones , and to destabilise and hegemonise them so that there geopolitical aims can be achieved. Unfortunately these geopolitical interests changes from time to time that the violence in these countries never stop because the sponsors keep changing and the violence is perpetuated.

Having instigated the violence the next WMD is human rights and the Right to protect. How can one preserve human rights when there is violence which they directly or indirectly instigate? This is another ruse to dominate and hegemonise. One does not talk about human rights when the ill-gotten wealth from these countries are deposited In there banking system nor when expatriates collect money to perpetuate violence in there mother countries.

Now the chicken have come home to roost. Now it is a war against International terrorism. Previously there was no war against terrorism because it was the citizens of poor small countries that were killed be it many millions and it was serving a purpose. They were not terrorists although they killed civilians. They were only militants or rebels. Now a few hundred people are killed and they are all terrorists and the whole world is up in arms against international terrorism. Militants and rebels are now not in the vocabulary. If this world is to survive and bring any semblance of normality to the ordinary people in this world Both the journalists and the politicians need to Honest, Honourable and Truthful . Selective Amnesia only perpetuates the lack of trust and continuation of the status co.

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