

The Difference Between A Military Solution And One Which Involves The Eradication Of Terrorism

© In Retrospect - By Sarath Kumar For LankaWeb - Jan 5th. 2008

For the 'umpteenth' time it needs to be reiterated that those who pontificate about the impossibility of a military solution for Sri Lanka particularly based on the latest reports alleged to be from
India as well as the United Nations which say they regret the escalation of violence in Sri Lanka seem to be viewing the issue either with pro terrorist bias or have suddenly decided to do an about turn on their usual stance of siding with the Sovereignity of Sri Lanka ( for somewhat contentiously biased reasons perhaps? ) This is an issue which they have more often than not been very specific about where the defence of the Nation from terrorist attackshas always been the primary issue and a legitimate one wherever applicable.In the purest sense of the definition it may also be added that this is not realistically a "Military Solution" but a solution involving the eradication of terrorism from a Democratic Sovereign Nation although it involves Sovereign and Territorial integrity but not from an invading nation as opposed to internal armed insurgents where there is a difference and a huge one!

This is a juncture where the Armed Forces of Sri Lanka have come the closest in decades to what appears to be a viable elimination scenario of the Tamil Tigers who are being decimated and destroyed from many fronts and if this is not a propaganda ploy by terrorist supportive diaspora who know the end is in sight for the LTTE one wonders what is? One which has probably been cleverly orchestrated on the sympathy card involving innocent civilians but the fact of the matter is innocent civilians have to a greater proportin been cleared and directed away from the LTTE hideout areas in the Wanni Jungles and the drive to eliminate then is being focussed on their bunkers and underground safeplaces in these areas. Perhaps there is still a need to evacuate innocent civilians from the proximities of these areas, a dificult one nonetheless but one which seems mandatory towards the cause and one which the Government should pay greater emphasis to and initiate if not done already.

It needs to be pellucidated to the world that the real violence Sri Lankans have been experiencing lately is that set in place by the dying dregs of LTTE terrorism in built up areas of the Sinhala Nation which has to be confronted regardless of the songs and sankies of India and the UN with a bit of accompaniment from the USA who are now saying they will restrict or deny Military supplies to Sri Lanka which is somewhat of a joke considering their outlook on world terrorism and the availability of other willing sources who could easily replace the US as a supplier of military needs to Sri Lanka beyond conjecture or the double standards involved!

The world needs to be made aware of this implicitly where the likes of the Indian External Affairs Ministry as well as UNSG Mr Ban Ki Moon can express their concerns but it has to be the imperative need for the Sri Lankan Armed Forces to continue their relentless drive against the terrorists which has to take focus here or else these two entities are better off resolving the issues better suited to them such as India's insurgent problem on one hand as well as the United Nations paying greater attention to the Bush administration's ravages in Iraq rather than meddling in the internal affairs of Sovereign Sri Lanka knowing fully well that by continuing to harp on their cacophony they are providing cause for the terrorists to justify their existences where the issue of the Tamil Community does not come into play as an affiliation of the terrorist cause which is more than likely to get further compounded despite their intransigences as a majority of the Tamil Community realise that their only hope towards their well being and posterity now depends on the elimination of the LTTE and Velupillai Prabhakaran towards which they are willing participants to very tangibly!

Hence the Indian authorities have no right to insist that there can be no military solution to Sri Lanka's national question when Tamil Tiger elimination is not only staring themselves in the face but also India who seem to be impervious to this concept while the writing seems to be on the wall for the terrorists and a mere matter of time before they are wiped out!

Most certainly, as seems to be India's response to Sri Lankan Government's decision to unilaterally withdraw from the Cease Fire Agreement (CFA),where India has outlined a settlement of political, constitutional and other issues within the framework of united Sri Lanka, this will have to come once the Terrorists have been made ineffective and non functional based on the reality and their track record that they are not negotiable, sane, compassionate human beings but a group of degnerate, sub humans now hell bent only on their own survival far removed from the needs of the ordinary, freedom loving pro-Government Sri Lankan Tamils whose numbers are growing having realised that by backing Velupillai Prabhakaran and his murderers they are not only staring up the barrel of a gun towards their own destruction but also a dead end where there will be no way out of their misery! One which will be compounded by the Prabhakaran degenerates further if they support them!

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs in a recent statement which says that Sri Lanka could only achieve lasting peace through such a settlement that is comfortable to all communities in Sri Lanka is absolutely correct other than where it has failed to say that the LTTE terrorists cannot be incorporated into this concept being the unrelenting terrorists they are and continue to be, hence the call for their elimination becomes a very legitimate one by those in favour.The likes of US President George W Bush and all those whose policies are intolerable towards terrorists will certainly vouch for this ! There can be no negotiating with the terrorists which is in the simplest terms the most rational conclusion the Sri Lankan Administration has arrived at after much deliberation.Their reluctance to ban the LTTE outright is a decision currently being weighed relative to its pros and cons and the sooner it is decided to ban them would be the better as it provides the axle for the wheel towards the justification of the objective!There should be no prevarications on this at all!

When theUN urges political solutions to any Nation in the grip of terrorism there are many other parts of the globe which they need to view objectively but does not seem to be the case where Sri Lanka alone seems highlighted continuously and the rest of the Nations plagued with the scourge of terrorism continue their onslaughts against their terrorist problems hardly paying attention to those who sermonise about it.One need not look too far in the region either! There's Pakistan, Afghanistan, India,The Philippines,Indonesia,Thailand and if one were to look further there is Spain,Turkey, Iraq, Algeria and host of South American, African and European nations which have never agreed to cow down to the terrorists beyond a dedication to eliminate them.

To showcase Sri Lanka as an exception to this concept borders from the sublime to the ridiculous and for the lack of better things to do India as well as the United Nations may be better off sounding a bit more logical and parochial than they have in these very trying times for Sri Lanka where these pundits as well as the rest of the critics should primarily consider the reality that the LTTE are a group of outlawed criminal and terrorists and the argument about negotiations and moderation with them should go no further than the urgent need to rid them off the face of Sri Lanka!!

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