

Where Have All The (Tamil) Girls Gone?

Prof. Hudson McLean

Suddenly, all the Tamil girls went-off Air from BBC World News!

Since several readers including I, published that the BBC turning into a TBC, mainly because there were a few Tamil King-Pins inside the BBC, giving Tamil girls priority over Sinhala girls. These girls were said to be, largely supporters of the criminal LTTE activities both in the UK and in Sri Lanka.

As recently published, discovered and prosecuted, the LTTE were funding the acquisition of Petrol & Gas Filling stations, and operated by Tamils, in order to steal the credit card details. At least, it must be said that the LTTE & Tamils are innovative!

Tiger Air Force, to be commanded by Charles Anthony Prabhakaran, the Crown Prince of Tamil Nadu and Eelam, doing his stint in the UK and in Norway, are forward plans of the ill-educated Leader. Can the educated Sinhala Leaders reach that level?

Navaratnams and Pillai's, please stay where you are! Thank You.

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