

Can Prabhakaran rise from death?

Jay Deshabandu

According to some pro LTTE people, the Sun God Prabakaran was born out of a miracle; he is indispensable, invincible and he can rise from death; he can bring destruction at his will. Many of the child soldiers who have not even been to a school believe that more blood shed by suicide women who are pregnant or disable would enhance their fight against peace loving people, thus making it a long longevity for the Prabahakaran. In other words, for them he is not just a leader but a leader of a new religion and he is himself a new God.

According to pro LTTE people, the unending war for twenty five years has brought the sun light to the Prabhakaran in Wanni and he would continue to keep the terror campaigns with or without dialogue with peace loving people.

We may rightfully ask why on earth some Tamil people from all works of life tend to help such an organization? According to Tamil culture, all Tamils are not equal; Jaffna Tamils are different from Indian Tamils and Jaffna Tamils belong to a high caste above all other Tamil castes.

During the colonial rule, they have made themselves different from the rest of the Tamil race to receive favoritism from the British. The state of the mind was then set to the belief that they are somewhat intelligent and superior beings on the earth and no one should be allowed to live with them peacefully. Many people of other ethnic groups that lived in and around Jaffna was either killed or forced to leave their homes.

Today Wanni is the only region that has been set up as a racist mono ethnic de facto state. But yet they claim that Sinhalese are the racist when in fact more than 90% of the Tamils live peacefully with common Sinhalese.

The cultural difference of Jaffna Tamils has itself manifested to an inferiority complex which encapsulates the idea of devaluing their worth of being alive today. For this reason it is not a difficult task for the Prabhakaran to change a pregnant woman into an animal who would take on her own baby and others with a small bomb.

Today, the whole Tamil race is experiencing a state of non-recognition by the world at large. Even a moderate Tamil would think that at least someone like Prabakran is fighting to uplift their egotism. They are not in a position to realize that in fact Prabakaran is demoralizing the much appreciated Tamil race. How can a decent man accept an internationally recognized criminal to be his leader?

Winning the war with Prabhakaran is really simple if one knows how he thinks. He would act unpredictably until he realizes that he is really captured. In other words one strategy should be to let him believe that he is winning when in fact he is losing in and around his environment.

I believe that the terrorism in Sri Lanka can be won if we launch the fight in three dimensions;
Fight against the terrorists continuously by all military means; introduce just and a fair political solution to the common people of Sri Lanka, and most importantly uplift the sense of value of all minorities living in Sri Lanka.

For the last dimension mentioned here, it is important that government recognize the good work done by all Tamils, Muslims and other minorities, recruiting them into important leadership roles in the government establishments. Tamils and Muslims should be attracted to the military, police and other law enforcement agencies. The government should pay special attention to cultural aspects of the minority people in Sri Lanka. Cultural shows linking all minorities with the majority would probably bond all races together.


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