

“Sri Lanka Muslim (emphasis on a race) Congress by definition is a racial political party as much as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil (emphasis on a race) Elam and Sinhala (emphasis on a race) Urumaya.”

Anura Seneviratna (on behalf of expat Hela team – UK

The above statement with reference to Sinhala ALSO as a race is a clear demonstration of not perceiving the concept of NATIONHOOD which is a syndrome of 58 years of anti-national conditioning perpetrated by the past rulers as they were not our national leaders by deed. This stance by most Sinhalas themselves as a “race” on a par with non indigenous minorities is the greatest impetus in creating destructive elements within the island country demanding national status to which they are not entitled to.

Although, there is a basic difference between race and nation which is understood by all sovereign nations, tragically Sinhalas were driven to confusion by the systematic anti-national conditioning as stated before. The only occasion a Sinhala is identified as a race is when one lives in a host country as a settler or immigrant and becomes a naturalized citizen or an expatriate. The misnomer Srilanka is the main cause for this confusion within the Sinhala psyche. If it had been Heladiva or Sinhele’, the island of Helas or “island of the Sinhelese” as stated in the British records when they engaged in land robbing; this confusion would not have arisen.

It is correct to refer to non indigenous Tamils and Muslims as races within Heladiva, while Tamils can be a nation ONLY in Tamil Nadu (Tamil Country) in the Indian subcontinent and Muslims are a nation ONLY in a Muslim national country. This should bring home the self-evident fact that the indigenous Helas/Sinhelas are the nation and not a race of Heladiva; also within this island there are Hela-Tamils and Hela-Muslims who are naturalized Hela citizens. Although, Srilanka should mean Hela or Sinhela but it does not perform that function as a mere nom de plume. It is now or never for the Helas or Sin+Helas to take up our place in the world of nations as a NATION, not a race within our own inviolable indigenous national Hela motherland. Like in every other sovereign national country the minorities in the island country too will merge with the single nationhood.

It is this Srilanka concept as a nationally ownerless island given rise to racial political parties of Tamil and Muslim, which can dangerously advance into alien-national political parties threatening the inviolable national Hela sovereignty. The only other sovereign national country learnt a bitter lesson by allowing racial political parties was Fiji.

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