

Pranab Mukherjee Sri Lanka will decide 'military or political' solution

L Peiris UK

Pranab Mukherjee you may be the Indian External Affairs Minister, but that does not give you the right to rule in or rule out any military solution to the Sri Lankan problem. What right have you got to stress that the solution to the island nation's problem "had to be found through dialogue and discussion".[TamilNet, Saturday, 05 January 2008]

India is the hotbed of ethnic problems, have you advised your Prime Minister to hold dialogue and discussion with the terrorist groups rampaging in India. Has the Sri Lankan Foreign Miniter ‘encouraged’ the Indian government to resolve the problems through dialogue and implement devolution formulas to satisfy the ''legitimate aspirations' of the various ethnic groups who want independence from India. The minister said ''some steps'', including evolving a devolution formula, have been taken towards fulfilment of the aspirations of various ethnic groups. [TamilNet, Saturday, 05 January 2008] Mr Mukherjee, what steps have you taken towards fulfilment of the aspirations of various ethnic groups in India.

The Government of Malaysia were absolutely correct and justified when they told you and the Indian Government to mind your own business and not meddle in the internal issues of Malaysia on settling the ethnic problem created by the 7% Tamil citizens (originating from Tamil Nadu India). Tamils who emigrate, if they want to live in peace must accept the Nation status and sovereignty of these countries and integrate with the people without creating enclaves and clamouring for division trying to create separate states.

India is responsible for breathing life into this barbaric terrorist monster. India spawned, trained, armed these LTTE terror dogs, who have been responsbile for the deaths, destruction and carnage in Sri Lanka for the past decades. When the Sri Lankan armed forces had them cornered, India violated international protocols flew over Sri Lankan air space to drop supplies to LTTE terrorist vermin. However you reaped their gratefulness when they murdered your own Prime Minister Rajive Ghandhi. They say people learn by their mistakes, but it is embarrassing when educated intelligent people like you in the Indian government cannot be honest with yourself. Years of peace talks have not born fruit. Terrorists are not human beings and they should be rid of to bring peace and prosperity to Sri Lanka.

Every citizen in Sri Lanka, a Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim or other community enjoy the same rights. Can any Sri Lankan Tamil tell exactly what rights a minority Tamil lacks, that a Sinhala from the majority community or a person from other community are entitled. It is ironic that it is the majority Sinhala and other minority communities whose rights have been violated by the LTTE terrorists fronting a tiny portion of a disgruntled Tamil minority. It is Sinhala and other communities who have being deprived from purchasing property in the North with arbitrary laws like the law of ‘Thesavalam’ enacted with the connivance and collaboration of the British colonial master. Today Sinhala, Muslim and other community Sri Lankans, cannot go to the Northern Province of our country not to work or live but even for a visit. However 52% of the Sri Lankan Tamil community live and work in the south among the Sinhala and other communities. Who is the discriminator? Is it not the human rights of the majority that are been violated?

Mr Mukherjee, the Tamil Nadu State of India has 60 million Tamils, and is 4 to 5 times larger than Sri Lanka. There are only 3 million [max] Tamils in Sri Lanka. Taking in this lot would not create ripples in India. However you can be assured that most of them will prefer to live and work in Sri Lanka, than embarking to India, as they are better off in Sri Lanka. Even the Indian Tamil estate labourers’ clamour for Sri Lankan citizenship and some of them notably the ‘Thondamans’ have even become Ministers of our parliament. Can a Sinhala labourer in India ever aspire to become a Minister in India?

Mr Mukherjee, please attend to your ethnic problems in India and let Sri Lankans decide how to settle ours. Simply mind your own business.

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