

Sri Lankan Army Pushing for End to 25 Year War - Dec,6/2008

Ira de Silva London, Ontario, Canada

Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2008 22:16:20 -0500

The Editor
New York Times
N.Y., N.Y.

Dear Sir:
Re: Sri Lankan Army Pushing for End to 25 Year War - By Somini Sengupta

Once again an article written by an Indian journalist whose sympathies seem to be with the Tamil Tiger terrorists and whose chief aim seems to be to criticise Sri Lanka's Defence Secretary, Mr. G. Rajapakse. It is ironic that Mr/Ms. Sengupta chooses to criticise Sri Lanka's attempt to eradicate Tamil Tiger terrorism just after the events in Mumbai and the Indian government's claim to crush terrorists. Why does he criticise Sri Lanka? If India is to be commended and encouraged to crush terrorist attacks on Indian soil, why must Sri Lanka not try to do so especially when it was India that developed the Tamil Tiger terrorists, gave them bases in India, military training by the Indian army, money, refuge and encouragement to destabilise Sri Lanka. This is not rumour but historical fact - it was Indian government policy.

The writer attempts to "diminish" Mr. Rajapakse by statements such as "he once worked as a computer systems administrator" in the U.S. He has conveniently forgotten to mention that prior to coming to the U.S. Mr. Rajapakse had been in the Sri Lankan army and had fought many battles against the Tamil Tigers (LTTE). In his work as Defence Secretary in charge of the war against the Tamil Tigers he is merely doing the same in a different capacity not because the Tamil Tigers tried to kill him two years ago. What does the writer believe to be the role of the Defence Secretary? Is the Defence Secretary of the U.S. not prosecuting the war in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Regarding the statement "at the nub of the war is the question of political rights of the Tamil minority". What rights do the Tamil minority not have that other Sri Lankan's have? For his information and that of your readers that is the classic statement made by the Tamil terrorists to justify their terrorism to divide Sri Lanka. All Sri Lankans have the same political rights. As I have written to your newspaper in the past, Tamils in Sri Lanka have more rights than the "minorities" in the United States.

Regarding the statement "Mr. Rajapaksa has allowed dry food rations to be ferried by the United Nations to the displaced, I would like to point out that Sri Lanka is perhaps the only country in the world that has throughout the thirty years of Tamil terrorism provided food, paid for education, administration, medicines and all other facilities in the areas temporarily controlled by the Tamil terrorists. It has been the Tamil Tigers who have taken all this and used it to terrorise the rest of Sri Lanka.

The writer is not sure that Pooneryn has been captured - according to him "no one knows for sure" because journalists are not allowed. Had he taken the trouble to check the news media he would have seen pictures of the Sri Lankan soldiers in Pooneryn in front of an LTTE monument. It is this type of statement that casts doubt on the writers knowledge but clearly illustrates his bias against Mr. Rajapakse and the government of Sri Lanka.

One other point I would like to make is that of the civilians holed up in the area. Had the writer understood the problem he would have known that the Tamil Tigers are using the civilians as human shields moving them into areas with the Tiger cadres and not letting them go. Just last week the Catholic Bishop of Jaffna, issued a statement for pressure to be brought on the Tamil Tigers to release the civilians who are been forcefully kept under the control of the Tigers against their will.

Lastly, as for the aid agencies been asked to leave- they were asked to move to the areas controlled by the government for their own safety because it would be writers such as Sengupta who would have been in the forefront of heaping criticism on the government of Sri Lanka if any aid workers had been injured. Also, it was proven that these "aid agencies" in the LTTE areas were providing the Tamil Tigers with material support, help in building bunkers, vehicles etc. When asked to move to government areas one western "aid worker" resigned from his agency and joined the Tamil terrorists. That is but one example of what has been taking place over the last twenty years. With more and more areas controlled by the Tigers falling into government hands the extent of the collaboration of some of these "aid agencies" is coming to light.

I have chosen a few of the biased, uninformed statements of the writer to make the case that he not only does not have any in-depth knowledge of the situation in Sri Lanka but has merely tried to criticise Mr. Rajapakse and the government of Sri Lanka.

Yours truly,

Ira de Silva
London, Ontario, Canada

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