

A bouquet for the Tamil Hindu Sri Lankan, who Pleads for Communal Unity.

By Charles S.Perera

There was recently a letter addressed to Mr. Gotabhaya Rajapakse, the Defence Secretary, by Mr. N.Sivalingam, a retired Hindu Tamil Public Servant . That letter, was an appeal by a Tamil Citizen who lives peacefully with his Sinhala and Muslim compatriots. He says, " Please, please let us live with our Sinhala and Muslim brothers & sisters in peace as in the olden days. Last time you were very sympathetic and released those who were rounded up for living in Colombo for no apparent reason. Unfortunately, we are now paying the price for that error of judgment."

It was the first time I came across a letter of deep feeling of sincerity openly expressed by a Tamil Sri Lankan. I am sure he speaks for many more like him, who have the same wish but for obvious reasons prefer to remain silent. It is these peace loving people who have lived and continue to live with the Sinhala and Muslim people in the South, that should be recognised, and utilised to bring about a real Tamil-Sinhala Unity. This gentleman had taken the courage to come forward to open his heart out to the people through the Secretary of Defence. He should be invited by the President, to express his personal appreciation of his heroism to come out publicly to express his desire to live peacefully with his compatriots.

Mr.Ananadasangaree, despite the feather in his cap of a UNESCO laureate , has not as far as I can remeber spoken of unity of the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim Communities, encouraging them to live together burying their cultural, religious and social differences to build a united Nation of Sri Lankans. He is more concerned about a Federal System of Government following the Indian Model, and speaks as a leader of the Tamils, instead of being a catalyst for communal unity- a moderate Tamil leader who speaks for all communities..

Mr.Anandasangaree has a greater role to play in playing down the rampant racialism of the Tamils against the Sinhala. Mr. Sivalingam is on the other hand a greater hero as he is seeking neither political approbation, nor popular accolade, but speaking out his heart to speak of his affection to the communities which he had lived with and continue to live with.

Mr.Sivalingam says that ever since his neighbours daughter was wounded in the Central Bank Bomb attack, he feels embarrassed to meet them as he being a Tamil feels responsible for that terrible catastrophy. What a great man is Mr. Sivalingam to feel so much for the pains of others caused by the violence for which he was not a party. It is people like Mr. Sivalingam who could heal wounds caused by communal division, and we should try to emulate him whether we are of the Sinhala,Tamil or Muslim Community.

Mr. Hakeem , a leader of the Muslims should take a lesson from Mr.Sivalingam, and forget his egoism and personal political benefits, and be more concerned about inter communal unity in Sri Lanka. Mr.Hakeem, and Mr.Ananadasangaree are politicians and they make their pronouncements to please the communities they represent, where as Mr.Sivalingam, an ordinary man makes a sincere appeal to enhance necessary controls in Colombo in the interest of all communities.

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