

Mercyless killngs by nurses

Jayasiri Deshabandu

We learned that nurses in public hospitals went on a strike without any mercy for patients including children and elderly. This is totally unacceptable.

It is over a very simple matter- a transfer of a stupid nurse. No nurse had cared for innocent children and elderly who died as a result of this unwanted stupid strike supported by stupid nurses.

In my opinion no country should hire this kinds of stupid nurses, a bunch of arrogant unqualified workers who are on the pay roll of the public money. They should not be hired by any sensible agent or any other country. We herd that government had plans to send these stupid nurses to USA. They should not be sent to USA for it would surely bring shame to mother Lanka.

Now further, media reports say that these stupid nurses had locked up the drug cabinets and kept the keys with them allowing people to die at the hospital. If that is true, why on earth there was no any sensible Sri Lankan who had the courage to break the cabinets and get the drugs saving lives? How come these nurses act like animals? This is happening only in Sri Lanka and it is a shame to everyone.

Over to you Mr. Health Minister.! Please clean up the mess.

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