

Sri Lankan solidarity with people of Bihar-President's message of sympathy to Indian PM

By Walter Jayawardhana

President Mahinda Rajapaksa has expressed the deep sorrow of the Government and people of Sri Lanka to the Government and people of India on the loss of lives and suffering caused by the severe floods in the State of Bihar , in India, close to the hearts of Sri Lankan Buddhists where they go to pay homage to Buddha..

In a message of sympathy to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of India , the Sri Lankan President states the State of Bihar is well known to the people of Sri Lanka , as tens of thousands of Sri Lankan Buddhists visit there to pay homage to the sacred site where the Buddha gained Enlightenment. As an expression of the manifest concern of the people of Sri Lanka , The Government of Sri Lanka is seeking modalities for a financial contribution to the relief effort as a token of solidarity with the people of Bihar , the President adds.

Here is the text of President Rajapaksa's message to the Indian Prime Minister:

The Government and people of Sri Lanka join me in conveying to the Government and people of India our deep sorrow, on the loss of lives and suffering caused by the severe floods in parts of the State of Bihar . The rampaging waters are a reminder that despite all the scientific and technological advances, mankind is yet to master and tame the vagaries of nature.

The State of Bihar is well known to the people of Sri Lanka . Every year, tens of thousands of Sri Lanka Buddhist pilgrims visit the State to pay homage to the sacred site where the Lord Buddha gained Enlightenment. The people of Sri Lanka wish very much to manifest their concern and sympathy with those who have been affected and therefore the Government of Sri Lanka is seeking modalities for a financial contribution to the relief effort as a token of our solidarity with the people of Bihar .

Excellency, the Government and people of Sri Lanka wish every success for the massive relief effort that is underway. We have do doubt that despite the significant challenge of the large number who have been displaced, the dedicated efforts of the Union authorities and the State Government will result in effective rehabilitation measures, accompanies by an early return to normalcy.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration

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