

The True Legacy of Bush and Blair:
The Death of 151,000 Iraqi Civilians

S. Hewage

According to the latest study conducted by the World Health Organization, 151,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed following the US-led invasion of their country. The latest study, which is the most detailed analysis of civilian deaths, suggests that the death toll could be as high as 223,000 civilians between March 2003 and June 2006 resulting from the illegal US invasion of a sovereign nation.

The question one should now ask is who is responsible for this carnage, massive destruction of property and infrastructure in Iraq. Where are those human rights campaigners and the United Nations that are quick to castigate other nations failing to protect civilians even at minor incidents of political violence? All these human lives were lost due to the desire for global domination by the United States and Britain. The two leaders of these countries ignored international opinion and embarked on a killing mission under the pretext of finding weapons of mass destruction hidden somewhere in Iraq. These lost innocent Iraqi lives are the true legacy of Bush and Blair’s intent for global hegemony that the international community should not forget.

Unfortunately, many of the international human rights campaigners are based in these two countries and they cannot question the atrocities of their own leaders, as it would result in the loss of financial backing for their organizations. Although they continue to preach democracy and human rights to other nations, they have little or no courage to speak out against the military campaigns of their own leaders as we continue to see the abuse of human rights in places such as Guantanamo Bay. One would hope that with the regime change in Britain and the potential for one in the United States, there will be a new respect for human rights and international opinion in dealing with global crises.

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