


By Walter Jayawardhana

President Mahinda Rajapaksa with President Hu Jintao

Asia’s greatest military power, the People’s Republic of China assured her South Asian friend Sri Lanka that it will stand by the troubled island nation and help it to wipe out terrorism.

At Yalong Bay resort in the Hainan Province of China President Hu Jintao of the people’s Republic of China told Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa that his country will standby Sri Lanka in its relentless effort to counter terrorism.

The two leaders met each other for the second time in 14 months indicating the increasingly strengthening bond between the two nations and China turning into a major partner in the development of Sri Lanka.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa immensely thanked the Chinese government for tremendously helping Norochcholai Coal Power Project, the Hambantota Port and the Performing Arts Theatre in Colombo, few projects China is bankrolling in the island nation. President Rajapaksa is in China to attend the Annual Conference of the Boa Forum for Asia.

President Hu Jintao thanked Sri Lanka for continuously following a one china policy and this unshaken principle, he said, has stood as a test for the long standing friendship. The Chinese President described the unfortunate incidents that took place regarding Tibet and thanked Sri Lanka for seeing the troubles in its proper context.

President Rajapaksa wished every success to the Olympics Games that are to be held in China later this year, and stated that Sri Lanka was proud that China will be hosting this important international sports event.

President Hu Jintao while appreciating the good wishes expressed by the Sri Lankan President for the Beijing Olympics stated that China will be sending a high level delegation as observers to the SAARC Summit to be held in Sri Lanka later this year.

On the development of investment opportunities, the Sri Lankan President invited Chinese investors to take advantage of the good potential that prevails in Sri Lanka as a target for investment in the region.

In discussing cultural links between the two countries, the Chinese President reiterated China's agreement to assist in the establishment of the proposed International Buddhist Zone, at Piliyandala.
President Rajapaksa renewed the invitation to the Chinese President to visit Sri Lanka, to which President Hu Jintao said he looked forward to a visit at a mutually convenient time.

The President of China expressed his good wishes to the Sri Lankan President and the Sri Lankan people for the forthcoming traditional Sinhala and Tamil New Year.

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