

Open Letter to Benita Ferroro-Waldner EU Commissioner for External Relations & European Neighbourhood

Ben Silva UK

Dear Sir,

Response to the recent EU statement on Sri Lanka

Thank you very much for your concern about minorities in Sri Lanka. I believe you are aware that the slain Foreign Minister of Sri Lanka, killed by LTTE, was a Tamil. Sri Lanka also had heads of Police and Navy from the Tamil ethnic group. Further many professionals in Govt. jobs are Tamils and many businesses are owned by Tamils in Sri Lanka. I wonder if you would give the job of the foreign minister, in any of your countries to an ethnic minority. I wonder if you would give the job of Head of Police or head of Navy to a member of an ethnic minority group.

Also let me remind you of two prominent incidents in UK, which is really the tip of the iceberg.

Remember ethnic minority Jean Charles de Menezes,[2] a Brazilian was shot eight times and killed by the Police, after boarding a London Underground train. His killers were never brought to face justice Remember Steven Lawrence [1], an innocent Black student killed and the killer was not given any punishment. Lawrence case is merely tip of the ice burg, and I am sorry that I had to mention it. These incidents unfortunately show the standard of Justice in EU countries for ethnic minorities. I have nothing against the lovely British People, but with regret, I have to expose the mind set of some officials and the institutionalised racism that takes place in EU countries.

Let me also remind you of a few things. You remember the riots in France, by ethnic minorities [3],[4] involving petrol bombs, against the ill treatment of ethnic minorities in France. Only very recently, an ethnic minority person appeared in French TV as a presenter. Many ethnic minority Europeans come to UK because of the discrimination they face in Europe.

Also I believe, you know about the treatment of Jews in the past by European states. If we go to earlier times I am sure you are aware of the blood letting during world wars. I do not even want to mention the atrocities committed by Europeans in Vietnam, Cambodia, Iraq and Afghanistan.

With such a history of ill treatment of fellow humans, don’t you think, it is fair that a persons questions the motive, if EU starts telling Sri Lanka what to do. This is especially the case as the funds to LTTE for terrorism comes from European states. If EU is concermed about Sri Lanka, it should immediately stop the flow of funds to LTTE coffers. Also EU should treat Sinhalese fairly as well. The Tamils have been favoured and Sinhalese discriminated when it comes to residency in EU states. This I believe is the prime cause of destruction in Sri Lanka.

So before we go further, you should remove the discrimination against Sinhalese and allow equal number of Sinhalese, residency status in EU countries.

I appreciate the values of EU and appreciate the contributions to humanity and Sri Lanka by EU. My concern is that EU has not understood the situation in Sri Lanka correctly.

The real situation in Sri Lanka is:

What is really happening in Sri Lanka today is that a ‘blood thirsty racist’ group led by some misled Tamils called LTTE is terrorizing against the Govt of Sri Lanka and its people irrespective of their ethnicity with an intention of carving out a separate state. The Sinhalese and Tamil communities generally live peace in Sri Lanka. In fact, the majority of the Tamil community lives in peace and harmony among the Sinhalese population through out the country apart from the Northern part of Sri Lanka. The entire Sinhalese and the Muslims population who lived in the Northern area for centuries were either killed or chased away completely by the LTTE Tamil Tiger terrorists. At the moment, not a single Sinhalese or Muslim is living in Jaffna, but, many thousands of Tamils are living in Colombo.

It is important that the rights of all Sri Lankans, including that of Sinhalese and Muslims, are protected to live free from terrorism, funded by the global Tamil Terrorist Network. This would mean that EU take positive steps to stop fund raising by LTTE and LTTE fronts. Further, stopping of LTTE propaganda and arms trafficking are also needed. I believe EU may have obtained wrong, biased information from LTTE affiliated or LTTE funded NGO’s, who may have carried out lobbing on behalf of LTTE.

I sincerely hope that you consider my concerns. With best wishes to you.

Yours sincerely,

Ben Silva


1. Lawrence case 'corruption' probe

2. Jean Charles de Menezes

3. Unrest hits second French city

4. French Muslims face job discrimination

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