

The Land of Serendipity

From Ottawa-Orleans *the now* *EMC, July 11, 2008*


*Beacon Hill** resident publishes latest poetry collection*

Ever since he was a child growing up in Sri Lanka, Beacon Hill resident Asoka Weerasinghe has been writing poetry. Anything that came to mind, he would jot down, and create a story.

His latest book of poetry – which is his 16^th poetry compilation – is his most personal yet.

After a visit to his homeland last year, Weerasinghe decided to pay tribute to Sri Lanka.

His latest work, */The Land of Serendipity/* showcases 35 original poems from the local poet, which stem from growing up in Sri Lanka, and rediscovering his roots.

“Everytime I go back, I find out some new things and I just write them down,” he said. “I was 19 when I left home, and I didn’t really see much because I was a student and busy with school.”

Just last month, Weerasinghe went back home, and held a book launch in a packed theatre owned by a friend of his. Needless to say, the response was a little over-whelming.

“It was an awesome experience,” he said. “Just being able to be around so many people and read some poems from the book. It was great.”

He moved to England in 1956, and while he continued his studies there, his poetry helped him get through his hectic schedule.

Consistently writing poetry was never something he thought about, until friends of his read his poems, and told him they were that good enough to be published.

The rest is history, and today, Weerasinghe is an award winning poet whose poems have been published all over the world, including Germany, Sweden, India and Canada.

“When I had a few of my first poems published, I said to myself, if poetry magazines are publishing them so they must be good so I kept writing”, he said, with a chuckle.

Weerasinghe has also been the recipient of numerous awards, including the Welsh University Eisteddford Poetry Award, the Sri Lanka State Literary Award and an Appreciation Honour Award for Arts and Culture from the City of Ottawa, just to name a few.

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