

No War Declaration. Drive the LTTE Out of Sri Lanka

Prof. Hudson McLean

The last few days, on a visit to Oslo and Kristiansand, I had the opportunity to meet several Norwegian intelligentsia. When they were presented with Palestine, Kenya and Sri Lanka, the political turmoils became a heated discussion. I pointed out that the Norwegian teams failed in every single role as Peace Negotiators.

To my surprise, the Norwegians overwhelmingly agreed that the Norwegian NGOs and officials had simply opened a "can of worms". The "worms" have landed in Norway "blackening" their purity and culture. Tamils being Tamils, will "Eat the hand that Feeds them!", one stressed. The uncivilised culture which the Tamil expats have imported to Norway is a great disappointment to the blond, blue-eyed, creamy-skinned Vikings. The rate the Tamil immigrants have multiplied, the Norwegians will be outnumbered and then carry a "lighter shade of blue-black", the Norwegian friends expressed in disgust!!

So do not feel insulted if any one says that the Sinhalese are Racists! Say yes. So are the British, Norwegians, Americans, Russians, Australians,..........the list has no end.

Now to turn to India. These Tamils Diaspora belong to India. That is even confirmed and stressed by the projected-leader of Tamil Nadu, Velupillai Prabhakaran & Son. From the beginning, it was the dream of Prabhakaran to build the Federal States of Tamil Eelam in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, Canada, Norway et al.

However, the feeling this week was that, Norway would take all these terrorists and their families to be spread across the great Fjords. The weather is excellent for Dosai and Toddy.

The SLG should now offer an open invitation to India, Pakistan and China to assist with the post-LTTE destruction and then to start the reconstruction of this great little Island.

All these Asian powers recognize the strategic, military, defence, economic, commercial, cultural, investment opportunities offered by Sri Lanka, on a "First Come - First Served", basis to carve out the cake.

Sri Lanka must have an open mind to be fair but ruthless, to activate a Total destruction of Terror, without Declaration of War.

Let the UN Ban Ky Moon and let him Fly Amongst the Stars, and come down to earth in his good time. The rest can scream as much as they wish, and memories, good and bad, have a short life.

Best of British to President Rajapaksa & Brothers Inc.

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