

Jack Layton, Nelson Mandela & V. Prabhakaran

Asoka Weerasinghe (A Conservative) . Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario Canada

Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . October 12, 2008

Rupinder Kaur
Media Director
New Democratic Party

Dear Rupinder:

I assume you read my letter of October 5 to your leader Jack Layton on NDP’s Statement on Sri Lanka, trying to bait the 100,000 Tamil voters of the Greater Toronto Area. And I doubt Jack had time to read it unless there was a note in his briefing file before starting another day on the hustings.

I couldn’t let what I read in today’s The Ottawa Citizen pass by without a comment to be read, particularly by you. ‘4 LEADERS, 20 questions, ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES’ bylined Bruce Deachman was interesting which gave an opportunity for the political leaders to provide a sketch to the voters as to who they really are.

Question 19 posed at the leaders was, “Who is your favourite historical figure, and why?”

While Liberal’s Stephane Dione said it was Winston Churchill; Gilles Duceppe, the Bloc Quebecois leader said it was Rene Leveque; Conservative Leader and Prime Minister Stephen Harper had not answered the questionnaire; the Green Party Leader Elizabeth May said it was Mahatma Gandhi; and your NDP Leader Jack Layton, a Ph.D of Political Science said, “Nelson Mandela. He represents the possibility of world historic change that people said could not be done”. Rupinder, reading that bit of romancing by Jack, I choked. “By Jeeeesus Man, you must be joking”, I said under my breath.

This was the same Jack Layton, your NDP Leader, who compared Nelson Mandela to the fascist, ruthless Tamil Tiger terrorist leader Velupillai Prabhakaran for the 20,000 Tamil ears to hear at the Pongu Thamil celebrations at Queens Park in Toronto, a few years ago. Prabhakaran is Sri Lanka’s Pol Pot, a serial killer, the assassin of two Heads of countries, India and Sri Lanka, several Sri Lanka’s cabinet ministers, several Tamil politicians who did not toe his line, as well as thousands of unarmed, civilians killing them with claymore mines, suicide bombs, bullets and machetes.

In other words, if you replace the name “Nelson Mandela” in what he said in response to the question 19, with the name Velupillai Prabhakaran who he had compared to publicly, it will read as – “Velupillai Prabhakaran. He represents the possibility of world historic change that people said could not be done.” Phew! And Jack Layton is a leader of a Canadian political party who thinks that he is ready to take possession of the keys to 24 Sussex Drive and govern this country! I cringe at the thought of it, Rupinder.

And do you know what? When I sit at the table for the “Thanks Giving” dinner this evening, I will thank in advance for not letting this Godfather of Tamil Tiger terrorism to rule Canada, by singing:

“God keep our land glorious and free
But O! Canada
Don’t let Jack Layton
Stand on guard for thee...”

as I understand from the polls that the NDP is running third in this campaign.

With such a muddled mind, tell Jack, that I told you to tell him, “to keep his nose out of Sri Lankan politics”. It looks like that the issues of this war are too complicated for him to comprehend and that he will hopefully do better by sticking to domestic Canadian politics.

Your sincerely

Asoka Weerasinghe

(A Conservative) .

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