

Dr Dayan Jayatilleka - One of the best assets to beat LTTE propaganda war
-An Open Letter to His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa The President , Sri Lanka

Ben Silva UK

Open Letter
16 – 02 -08
His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa
The President , Sri Lanka

Dear Sir,

Dr Dayan Jayatilleka - One of the best assets to beat LTTE propaganda war

The debate on Sri Lanka initiated by Hon Simon Hughes, indicated that Sri Lanka did not have a single MP supporting Sri Lanka. Clearly the MPs have not been kept informed of the true situation in Sri Lanka. . Further, in UK large number of bogus Tamil refugees have been allowed in and Sinhalese heavily discriminated. Has any one attempted to clarify the situation related to Sri Lanka to UK authorities?. It appears that LTTE have been allowed to say and do any thing as they pleased, without being challenged.

Who exactly is at fault ? Why was it allowed to carry on for such a long time, not challenging what the UK authorities were doing in terms of the large influx of bogus Tamil refugees and also the discrimination to the Sinhalese ?

My article is in strong defence of Dr Dayan Jayatilleka. Until Dr. Jayatilleka came into the scene LTTE, have been winning the propaganda war, and no one has challenged the UK authorities or even told them the truth.

Dr Dayan Jayatilleka. had the vital critical thinking skills and academic ability to put forward sound arguments and demolish statements made by others that did not stand up to reason.

This is the first time I have seen any one displaying common sense and is prepared to speak the truth, rather than give in to deception, inaccurate statements, half truths, fraud or incompetence.

We need the truth to come out, even though it may be painful.

The truth is, evidence shows that EU countries have a responsibility for the death and destruction in Sri Lanka. The reason is they allowed a large influx of bogus refugees to UK and other European countries. The EU countries turned a blind eye to fund raising by these bogus refugees, who raised funds for LTTE, for the terror war in Sri Lanka. There was massive discrimination against the Sinhalese. The number of Sinhalese, in comparison to the Tamils is so tiny, that they were not able to counter LTTE propaganda. The tiny number of Sinhalese are also not able to negate the political influence of the bogus refugees.

Only a person such as Dr Jayatilleka. would have the skills, knowledge, confidence and the bravery to tell the truth.

Clearly no one else has done much to tell Sri Lanka’s side of the story. In fact I get the impression that no one has bothered to tell Sri Lanka’s side of the events to the world at all .As a result of the poor communication skills of some of our foreign missions, our poor and our brave soldiers have sacrificed their lives for nothing.

Clearly Dr Jayatilleka is one pf the best assets we have to tell Sri Lanka’s side of events. If Sri Lanka is to defeat LTTE propaganda then we need to give him a prominent position.

He told the truth. It is now up to the British Foreign Sectary to listen.

It is not Dr Jayatilleka who should apologise, it is EU countries that should apologise and pay damages to Sri Lanka. Any other way is victory to LTTE propaganda.

Yours sincerely,

Ben Silva

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