

Tamilnet's Report about SLAF bombing on the 17th did a big cat get caught?

Sisira Pereira, Panadura

The LTTE news portel, Tamilnet, in its news item about the SLAF raid in Jayapuram, Kilinochchi on the 17th, claimed that the LTTE's anti-aircraft guns were fired at the fighter jets when they bombed a civilian settlement (this was quoted by the AFP too). Does this actually mean that somebody very important in the LTTE was targeted by the SLAF again in the heart of Kilinochchi? On the part of the Military, they claimed a high-profile leaders gathering was bombed based on real-time intelligence.

A few recent analyses of the military intelligence reports about the event of the LTTE terrorist leader Pirapaharan getting injured in a previous aerial attack by the Air Force similarly claimed that the LTTE's anti-aircraft fire slightly damaged one fighter craft at the time of that bombing raid. And the argument was that the anti-aircraft gun fire was an indirect confirmation that a high profile target, if not the highest, could have been there at the time of the raid. So, if that argument has weight, was the SLAF able to take a similar target yesterday too? Or is it some ploy of the LTTE to disseminate the wrong impression that their high profile leaders were there at the time of bombing as a decoy? Answers to these will come to light soon.

However, one thing is obvious.

The Tamilnet could not convey the impression that their claim of a civilian target was actually hit in the raid with their report and with the few photograph they had posted along with the news item. Now why would the LTTE position their anti-aircraft guns in a civilian settlement, f that is actually the case as they claim? If the deadly SLAF bombing had actually targeted a civilian settlement as the Tamilnet alleges, they would have acquired more convincing photographs of the carnage than a few flattened corrugated sheets and some fallen apart bricks in wilderness to begin with. Thus, the Tamilnet's attempt to mislead its readership seems to have gone off target, while it poses speculation as to if the SLAF has once again done some big damage to the LTTE.

Let us hope it has.

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