

Responsiblity of police in remote areas near Wanni

Jay By e-mail

I cannot keep my feelings or to be silent about the massacre of a large number of people in Buttala. What is so horrifying is that the villagers were attacked with weapons after the bus had been bombed. Could this attacked have been prevented and if so what measure should the people or the government of Sri-Lanka in order to minimize such attacks? Will the check points be an adequate measure?

What is more frustrating to hear is that police did not do anything when the villagers had complained to them about the potential terrorists roaming in the village prior to the bomb attack. Even the officials handling 119 emergency calls had turned them down when they informed that they had been attacked by the terrorists.

If the police in remote areas which is open to terrorists, the better way to protect the villagers is to give responsible village leaders with necessary weapons with adequate training to protect themselves. This way when they are attacked they can counter act quickly in self defense, rather than police to come and make an inquiry after everything become calm and peaceful.

In fact it is prudent to form a volunteer group within a village, with right instructions and rules, to act as protectors of the village under the jurisdiction of the police in that village.

They should be provided with a plan of actions that must be taken when they become victims. It should include some kind of alert system network that can implement counter attack plans quickly. We need to empower the villages with right to protect themselves rather than giving information such as 119 or police who are not capable with meeting the terrorists instantly.

The present method of protecting a village under one or two village guards is not efficient when a group of terrorists go on a rampage of killing innocent people. I want to know if anyone else has a better idea!


By e-mail

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