

Muhammad (PBUH) in the eyes of Ahmad (a.s.)

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Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi, the Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, had such a deep affinity for his master and leader Muhammad (PBUH.) that nobody in the past fourteen centuries reached the level of his true eulogy highlighting the prophet’s lofty station. He is not among us now but his writings are, from which we can realize how totally he was lost in the love of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). And this was the only reason for which Allah Almighty gave him the highest stage in the whole nation of Islam. The Promised Messiah, peace be on him, himself affirms.

‘O oath, in the name of the same Allah, I depose that just as Allah spoke to Abraham and then to Ishmael, and Isaac, and Joseph, and Moses and Jesus son of Mary, and finally to our own Holy Prophet Muhammad, in a manner far clearer and brighter than ever before, sending down a purer revelation; in the same way He has blessed me with the favor of communion with Him. But in my case this is a blessing which I have received through the Holy Prophet, and by my obedience and devotion to him. If I had not been his follower, and if I had not obeyed him most implicitly in everything, this blessing would not have been extended to me even if my virtuous deeds had piled up as high as a mountain.”

When we further ponder over the writings of Hazrat Ahmad, as well as the reports of his companions, we find his true realization of status of the Holy Prophet untouched. He didn’t have only the true conviction of the Prophet’s real status; he imbibed himself in this color and just fell in love with him. Of course he was absolutely devoted to him. It is reported by Mirza Sultan Ahmad, the eldest son Hazrat Ahmad that he had never seen on any occasion when on the mere mention of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), tears did not well up in the eyes of the Promised Messiah and his heart and mind, nay every particle of his body, was filled with the love of his Master, Muhammad (PBUH), the Leader of the Universe and the Pride of Creation.

The truth of the matter is that after reading his books we realize a big ocean of intense feeling of love and affection for the Holy Prophet heaving in his heart. It is not possible for a man to fathom his love. One wave of his love begins to flow in the shape of poem and sometimes in the shape of prose, at time a silent stream of tears begins to flow from his eyes betraying the secret of his heart. Addressing his beloved, Hazrat Ahmad (a.s.) says in one of his numerous couplets:

‘Look upon me with compassion and tenderness, Oh my Master, I am the humblest of your servants.”

The favor of love raises higher when he calls out:

‘Next to my love of Allah, I am intoxicated with love of Muhammad (PBUH) If this be infidelity, by Allah, I am a confirmed infidel.’

An instance depicts the intensity of love for his master Muhammad (PBUH). His beloved had passed away thirteen centuries before but when he was reminded of his departure, it hurts him. Once walking in the courtyard of his mosque, Hazrat Ahmad was found humming the following couplet of Hazrat Hassan bin Thabit, totally engrossed in the thoughts of his beloved master Muhammad (PBUH) while his eyes priming with tears incessantly :

“Thou art indeed the pupil of my eyes

Which have gone blind after thy death.

And now that thou art no more,

I do not care in the least

Who else is there that dies;

For the only one whose demise

I was afraid, was thee.”

I would like to present a few of Hazrat Ahmad’s extract concerning the status of that exalted Prophet and the immense impact by which he revolutionized the entire world in all aspects of human life. He wrote:

‘The sublime light which was bestowed on man, i.e. the most perfect among them, was not shared by angels nor by stars; nor was it in the moon, nor in the sun, or in the oceans and in the rivers; it was not to be found in the rubies or emeralds, nor in sapphires, nor in pearls: it was not in any earthly or heavenly object. It was possessed only by the perfect man, manifested in the most consummate way in the person of our lord and master, Muhammad the chosen one, the chief of all the prophets, the leader of those who live (in the sight of Allah)… Sublime grace was possessed in its most perfect and consummate manifestation by our lord and master, the unlettered Prophet, the truthful one, the one whose truth is testified to, Muhammad the chosen one, peace be on him.’

‘I marvel always at this Arabian Prophet, whose name is Muhammad, thousands upon thousand of blessings of Allah be on him. How exalted his status was! One cannot perceive the ultimate limit of his station, and it is not within the scope of man to fully comprehend the depth and penetration of his ennobling qualities. Alas! Due recognition has not been given to his lofty rank. That unity which had disappeared from the earth was restored by this same valiant champion. He loved Allah most intensely, so also his soul was being consumed in deep sympathy for mankind. That is why Allah, Who was fully aware of the hidden excellences of his heart, exalted him above all the prophets and all the peoples of the past and the future, and fulfilled his heart’s desire in the span of hi lifetime.”

Best Regards,

A. Abdul Aziz.

Press Secretary,

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamath,

Sri Lanka.

Mobile: +94 777753440

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