

Six Tiger Bunkers Razed, More & More Tiger Terrorists Killed in Wanni Battles

KILINOCHCHI: TROOPS FIGHTING in northern WANNI area launched one more successful offensive operations against pockets of Tiger terrorists this afternoon (21) killing at least eight Tiger terrorists around 12.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m. in the general KARAMBAKULAM area according to latest information.

Six Tiger bunkers were razed to the ground and three T-56 weapons along with 32 hand grenades, seven pouches and 15,000 small arms ammunition were recovered during the clashes.

Four soldiers were also reported injured in the incident. Monitored LTTE radio transmission confirmed at least ten more Tiger terrorists sustained fatal injuries in the attack.

AT LEAST TWENTY-THREE Tiger terrorists were killed and a large number of others reported injured during confrontations erupted between troops operating west of A-9 road and Tiger terrorists Saturday (20) in the general areas west of MANKULAM, NAVADDIKULAM, north of PALAMMODDAI, AKKARAYANKULAM, PANDIVETIKULAM, VANNARIKULAM, PANNAI KANDAMADU and ANDANKULAM in WELIOYA in WANNI frontier.

In the first incident troops confronted a group of Tiger terrorists west of MANKULAM and killed two terrorists who were in the possession of two T-56 weapons along with one radio set and a compass Saturday (20) around 1.30 p.m.

Meanwhile, troops north of PALAMMODDAI area launched an offensive operation to capture a. LTTE trench line ahead of them the same day (20) at about 1.20 p.m.

Two Tiger terrorists were reported killed and four of the other LTTE cadres were injured according to information.

Four soldiers were also sustained injuries and evacuated for medical treatment.

One T-56 weapon was recovered during subsequent search operations.

In NAVADDIKULAM area the same day (20) troops stormed a Tiger position and razed one bunker injuring two terrorists.

In another confrontation in PALAMMODDAI area Saturday (20) troops after observing a terrorist movement launched an attack killing five of Tiger terrorists in the thick jungle at about 2.10 p.m.

One T-56 weapon was recovered in the incident.

In the meantime, troops in the general AKKARAYANKULAM area overran a Tiger strong point killing one terrorist Saturday (20) around 2.35 p.m.

Troops suffered no injuries in the incident.

Two more confrontations erupted in PANDIVETIKULAM and VANNARIKULAM areas reported five terrorists killed Saturday (20) during day time.

One soldier was also injured and evacuated for medical treatment.

Meanwhile, in another fierce fire fight in PANNAIKANDAMADU area the same day (20) one valiant soldier sacrificed his life at about 5.50 p.m.

In VANNARIKULAM Saturday (20) troops repulsed several LTTE attempts to breach the security lines by killing at least three terrorists and injuring four more around 10.30 a.m.

Tiger terrorists launched a heavy mortar fire on to the confronted area after the incident.

Three soldiers received fatal injuries due to the mortar fire and succumbed to injuries on admission to hospital.

Meanwhile, troops operating in WELIOYA confronted LTTE terrorists in the general ANDANKULAM area and killed at least seven Tiger terrorists while injuring a large number of other cadres Saturday (20) during day time.

Two soldiers were also injured in clashes.

In THANNIMURIPPUKULAM and AHAMURIPPUKULAM in the same area troops killed two more terrorists during search operations Saturday (20) in day time.

In the meantime, more LTTE explosives were emerged when troops launched search operations in KARAMPAIKULAM in MANNAR, PERARU jungle area and MAVILARU South of TRINCOMALEE Saturday (20).

Fifteen anti personnel mines, one anti tank mine, two T-56 weapons, two magazines, one hand grenade and 193 small arms ammunition were among the recovered items.

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