

All items sent from Tamil Nadu to be sent to Kilinochchi should be checked by the Security Forces.

By Charles.S.Perera

Karunanidhi is no lover of the Tamil population in Sri Lanka. If he is, he should have been in contact with Sri Lanka Tamil Politicians, such as Anandasangaree, Douglas Devananda or the Late Laksman Kadirgamar. They are perhaps not of his intellectual level.

Karunanidhi was more at ease agitating with anit-Hindi , and pro Eelam Movements from his youth. He has not changed much. The Sri Lanka Tamils should not therefore fall into the trap of believing that Karunanidhi at this particular time is moving to help the Tamil population in Sri Lanka.

Karunannidhi is not interested in the Tamils of Sri Lanka as a whole , but he is at the moment interested in the Tamil civilian population in Kilinochchi . Because it is only in doing so that he could come to help Prabhakaran, Pottuamman and the rest of the terrorists, "camping" in Kilinochchi. Karunanidhi's primary interest is helping the terrorists to set up the Tamil Eelam State. If that were to happen it would fulfil his life long ambition.

Karunanidhi, in his heart of hearts, hates the larger India. If he loved India he would not have directly or indirectly contributed to the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi. In his supporting the terrorists in Sri Lanka, when terrorism is being fought against by all civilised nations in the world , shows his attachment to Sri Lanka terrorists.

In this situation, the Government should check every item that had been sent by Tamil Nadu under Karunanidhi's surveillance, to be delivered to the Civilian Tamil Population in Kilinochchi. That is Karunanidhis "passport" to help the terrorists. There may be military like articles hidden among the humanitarian commodities transported from Tamil Nadu. That may be why Karunanidhi insists that these items be sent by Agencies other than that of the Government.

Even the IRC may not check the items being sent to Kilinochchi, for whatever reason . Therefore the Government should insist that these items being sent to Kilinochchi are thoroughly checked by the Security Forces.

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