


Shripal Nishshanka (Middle Bond)

The call by UK and India on Sri Lankan government to produce a "credible" accord on devolving power to regions as the way to settle the issue of Tamil separatism in Sri Lanka is the biggest joke of the week.

Sri Lanka is a better place today if these two countries stop aiding the terrorists effectively. UK being the number one country today to help Tamil terrorists with pro-terrorist MPs and other leaders in the country the true lesson they will learn from the same terrorists they feed is not very far. The same thing is true for the shameful Norwegians team who help the Wanni terrorists.

It is high time that the countries who call upon Sri Lanka to negotiate with this barbaric terrorists to change their tone and start helping Sri Lanka to eradicate the terrorists from the surface of the earth.
Despite loosing a charismatic and energetic Prime Minister (Rajeev Gandhi) by the Tamil terrorists, Indian present Prime Minister has shown a very soft attitude towards the terrorists. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is really afraid of himself from the Wanni terrorists and on the other hand he wants Thamilnadu votes for the Indira congress in future elections. Manmohan Singh being the architect for the present economical achievements India is enjoying at present goes an extra mile to pacify the Wanni Terrorists by requesting Sri Lankan government to share the power.

There are 15 million Sinhalese and 80 million Tamils in the world. The average educated Tamil knows the danger that is being posed by Sri Lankan Tamil terrorists to their race. The world leaders are being bought by the terrorists and when the truth is revealed there will not be any place for the leaders to hide.

Dear respectable foreign leaders, Sri Lanka is for all Sri Lankans and they have to live there with whatever the governing rules and regulations are calling for. Sri Lankan constitution cannot be modified for terrorists needs and there cannot be any devolution of power within the country. Then there will be a separate devolution of power for Sinhalese and Muslims and so on and so forth.

Sri Lankans know how to handle the terrorists and all the countries who help these Wanni terrorists will be terrorized very soon as that is the proven nature of these terrorists.

UK and India please mind your own business!

We have got to eliminate these blood thirsty terrorists from Sri Lanka before they make extinct the whole human beings from the earth!

Long live to brave Sri Lankan security forces and defense personnel!
Long live peoples President Rajapaksha!
Lon live Sri Lanka!

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