

Opposition Leader, History & I

Sisira Pereira, Panadura

The Opposition Leader Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe has charged that the registering of an armed group as a political party is “Historical”. He must have referred to the registering of TMVP in preparation for the East’s election. While I noted with a smirk the historical knowledge of the Honourable Opposition Leader, I could not keep myself from writing down a few events that I remember as also being historical during his time in power.

And here is my list of other “Historical” events.

Mr. Wickramasinghe signed an agreement with and armed group threatening the sovereignty of Sri Lanka and, by that agreement, he officially accepted that a vast region of Sri Lanka as belonging to that armed group (classified as the world’s most ruthless terrorist organization by the FBI) while they never gave up their aim of separation.

Under that agreement, Mr. Wickramasinghe’s admisnistration tacitly allowed this armed group to re-group, acquire hi-tech communication equipment and other strategic stuff to enable its military machine.

Mr. Wickramasinghe’s administration, under this agreement, blew up the cover of the intelligence operations of the armed forces of Sri Lanka, namely the Millanium City Blunder, paving way to a serial targeting of key intelligence officers of the Army, who had done yeoman service to the country to tame this armed group, thereby collapsing the entire military intelligence network.

When the armed forces of Sri Lanka valiantly fought and evicted the terrorists belonging to this armed group from the entirety of the East and finally captured Thoppigala under the present administration, Mr. Wickramasinghe went on record saying that Thoppigala is nothing but a vast jungle that has no advantage to be holding on to.

Thus, judging by the short but “significant history” Mr. Wickramasinghe had created, an equal or more dramatic “History” might be necessary to undo his work that had threatened national security and sovereignty like no other.

So be it, I might say.

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