

India And The United Kingdom Need To Support Sri Lankan Government Policy To Eliminate The LTTE Terrorists Not Undermine it!

© Insight By Sunil Kumar For LankaWeb.
Jan 21st 2008

As much as they choose to huff and puff about it, so long as the Prime Ministers of India and the United Kingdom or any others who decide to jump on their bandwagon to downcry Sri Lanka's Mlilitary stance against the LTTE, they are categorically avoiding the terrorist aspect of the issue in saying unequivocally that there is no military solution plausible towards settling the conflict in Sri Lanka. In so doing they seem to be oblivious to the difference between the Freedom Loving Tamil Community of Sri Lanka and their LTTE terrorist supportive counterparts of no known direction beneficial to Sri Lanka and therein lies the chagrin which demarcates messers Singh and Brown as either insensitive to the key issue or steeped in the vortexes of their imperceptions!

Their elevated status as Prime Ministers of major world powers certainly does not entitle them to their self righteous opinions with no consideration to the reality that their comments are being made on an issue relative to nation destructive criminal minded terrorists who have wreaked havoc in Sri Lanka for four decades and are now on the verge of elimination with nowhere to run.What credibility does this afford the Sri Lankan Armed Forces who have been accolladed by many credible sources and justified their decision to take out the LTTE being well within the rights of Sovereign Sri Lanka and acknowledged as doing a great job!

Ironically the LTTE are terrorists whom both India and the United Kingdom have chosen to outlaw and it seems somewhat ludicrous that the leaders of these nations in a very unproductive manner conducive to Sri lanka's well being suggest that a mliitary solution in Sri Lanka is not possible when everything points towards its success and the Armed Forces are well on course towards accomplishing the task so why the meddlesome comments? Especially given the reality that the LTTE have been totally unrelenting in their criminal ways and how they continue their attrocities against innocent civilians. It seems high time the blinkers were removed from the eyes of falsely conscientious objectors and their contentious remarks muffled towards letting the Sri Lankan Armed Forces get on with the task while throwing in some logistic as well as armament support they seem to be constantly hedging about, for good measure and a show of faith!

It seems almost a proviso of encouragement to the terrorists that such an obtuse joint statement could be made by these leaders where the danger of spurring on the terrorists despite their being hammered from all fronts and showing signs of utter depletion, is a real one where they are by every definition of the term dangerous terrorists on the run and an affront to the Government of Sri Lanka which could well do without what appears to be another litany of delusionary contradictions which could easily hamper and reverse Sri Lanka's progress towards the future in a terrorist free environment albeit even hypothetically.

Perhaps messers Manmohan Singh and Gordon Brown are oblivious to the real picture of what is currently transpiring within Sri Lanka where their sympathies and dogma would better serve the Nation of Sri Lanka relative to considerations for its freedom loving citizens particularly the non-terrorist supportive Tamils who have not mandated the progress of the terror group and have indicated their revulsion about Velupillai Prabhakaran's murderers menacing sovereign Sri Lanka! They have done this in accordance with their perceptions that the Government of Sri lanka and her armed forces which they recognize as being well on the way towards liberating the nation from the terrorists are their true saviour, are on target and that their freedoms in a terrorist free environment is the only choice feasible towards their well being which could only be effected through the decisions of the Government rather than the pretences of the LTTE.

Consequently the eloquence of the Brown/Singh litany condemning a military solution will be marginalised as emanating from speakers impervious to the terrorist involvement in Sri Lanka while also being myopic towards the reality that it is a World Issue where the longer the LTTE are permitted leeway and tolerated within Sri Lanka the greater would be the danger to the region as well as the entire world where every nook and cranny infested by terrorists indicate patterns and modus operandi pioneered by the LTTE and augmenting alarmingly!

In the joint statement issued on the final day of the UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown's visit to India, where he and the Indian Premier Manmohan Singh has urged the Sri Lankan Government to "put forward a credible devolution package as a key contribution to finding a political settlement".They have said that the devolution package should be "acceptable to all communities within the framework of a united Sri Lanka".But what they have failed to emphasize is that it does not include palavering and pandering to the mendacious LTTE terrorists who are not a recognized community within Sri Lanka! Something which may have been an oversight on their part given their respective national responses to the LTTE as being worthy of criminal condemnation and hence the political settlement could only be applicable logically and essentially to a terrorist free Sri Lanka !

However there is sufficient time for both leaders to either rescind their statements or correct them to accommodate Sri Lankan Government Policy towards eliminating the terrorists while rephrasing their recent criticisms of Sri Lankan Government Policy relative to the LTTE terrorists!

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