

An Outright Elimination of Muslim Separatists is Imperative to Ward-off Another LTTE

Dilrook Kannangara

What we are seeing is the emergence of another branch of terrorism in the East, coupled with separatism and extreme racism. Proving the predictions of many thinkers, Islamic extremism is raising its ugly head in Sri Lanka which must be mercilessly cut down with the help of both military and paramilitary forces before it is too late. It is the same individual this time who declared a separate Muslim state in the East in 2001 and the same one who incited some Muslims to attack an STF convoy killing a STF commando officer. This type of subhuman elements needs to be physically eliminated before they spread their venom to innocent minds that can endanger the whole Muslim community.

Although EPC is an independent council with a degree of decentralised power, which was created by the 13th Amendment in 1987 while people were locked up in house arrest, the EPC must function to advance Sri Lankan national interests. Spinning away from national interests should not be allowed. One major concern amply displayed in the tussle is land disputes. More havoc is yet to be seen in sharing other common resources like water, fishing rights, etc. Each of the three main races does not trust the others. Therefore land rights and police rights must not be awarded to the EPC. This also hints at what to expect if race-based federalism is introduced as a political solution! What's more this proves the complete absurdity of the whole provincial council system (something that was imposed on this country) which is a big financial black-hole in seven (7) provinces, one major issue for racial disharmony in one (1) province and a non-entity in the remaining province! This is the bottom-line of the failed decentralisation experiment. An integrated national governance system devoid of regional units is what this nation needs. Apart from having administrative units to the extent of governing village/municipal areas, there is absolutely no need for larger units. The national government must have Ministers assigned to each district to overlook specific development needs. That way the nation is truly integrated. Integration cannot be achieved through a process of disintegration! The EPC CM tussle is ample evidence that regionalisation would never work in this small island.

These dangers are amplified by the presence of the LTTE. Pro-LTTE elements in the SLMC, UNP and the UPFA must be physically eliminated as per the provisions of the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) of 1979. The democratic process in the East is a step away from terrorism and towards democracy. As such there is no reason whatsoever to go back to the LTTE or talk to the LTTE as that will defeat the purpose of establishing democracy. Any attempt to drag the LTTE back into the East must be viewed for what it is – giving a new lease of life to LTTE terrorism. Some Muslim racist elements are in fact trying out this option; their endeavour must be defeated.

Unlike the battle against Tamil terrorism, fighting Islamic terrorists will make Sri Lanka the darling of the international community. Not only the West; even India will actively take part in this exercise. It was only a few days ago a series of bomb explosions rocked India. These were traced to Islamic terrorists. India has stated in no uncertain terms that it will hunt down these terrorists wherever they are. Having a breeding ground of Islamic terrorism towards its south is the last thing India wants now. These opportunities must be exploited by Sri Lanka to annihilate this menace from the country. Allowing Islamic terrorists to grow from the carcasses of the LTTE in the East reverses recent military victories completely.

Islamic extremists have shown that they can enter and leave the national legislature, the Parliament, at will. This is a very dangerous and demeaning development which is piggery of the lowest kind. The Parliament should be cleansed of separatist elements irrespective of race. Existing laws must be executed to the letter and new tougher laws need to be introduced. Allowing separatism and giving appeasements to separatists has flourished separatism to the extent that there are individuals including self-styled moderates who are busy thinking how to cut and chop this nation according to racial boundaries! Had Sri Lanka followed a nastier approach towards them that further deprived separatist elements and their followers the various advantages they already get, things would have been different. In that event these jokers would be talking about what they can do to get integrated to Sri Lanka (and receive benefits like free education) than what Sri Lanka can do for them. The best way is to make separatists’ life so very miserable that they consider leaving this island in peace.

LTTE was formed in 1972 and its activities were multiplying by the year. The police adequately informed the 1970-77 administration about the gathering storm but to no avail. The then government didn’t want to hunt down Tamil rebels after it was demonised for hunting down Sinhala rebels in 1971. The 1977-82 government too was uninterested in tackling the growing terrorist movement for similar political reasons. After 11 long years of unhindered growth, LTTE launched a devastating strike in July 1983 and displayed its ability to launch similar strikes at will. Only then the government awoke from its deep sleep. But then it was too late. The cancer had spread to vital organs and the battle has since proven an uphill task.

Having mollycoddled with various sweeteners for over two decades, Tamil separatism has given birth to Muslim separatism. Like its parent, this cancer will also grow from nourishment it gets through various sweeteners each ruling party will feed it in competition with the other! Turning their movement into an armed struggle is too easy as there are hundreds if not thousands of Islamic terrorist groups active around the world.

I urge all concerned to take note of emerging Islamic separatism. It must be nipped in the bud.

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