

Rapid Exodus of civilians from Tamil Terrorist held Area

Sri Lanka News

Exodus of civilians from Terrorist held areas at Mullaittivu continued as 50 more civilians have reportedly arrived at the Omanthai Entry/Exit point seeking protection with security forces, Sunday between 12p.m., and 6 p.m.

According to Army sources in Vavuniya, the civilians were from Nedunkerni, Sinna Adampan and Kanakaraynakulama areas. Many civilians were from the Kanakarayankulama area located between Mankulama and Puliyankulama along the A-9 trunk road. 21 males, 14 females, 7 boys and 8 girls had sought protection fleeing from LTTE following unprecedented hardships endured under the LTTE tyranny, security sources said.

They had made their way on foot carrying only a handful of belongings fearing LTTE death squads, who were said positioned to stall the civilians influx towards Omanthai. One elderly woman had also made the long journey on clutches and this itself underscore the plight of many others who are held captive by the LTTE. "We want freedom, we want our lives back and the organization (LTTE) is continuing to take our lives away including our loved ones", a woman was cited as saying by our correspondent at Omanthai.

Another group of civilians who had been able to escape the LTTE tyranny in Wanni via land routes arrived at Omanthai this morning (Nov 23).

According to the special correspondent in Omanthai, 81 civilians arrived in two groups. He said the first group comprising of 43 males and 28 females of 15 families arrived around 7.45 AM while the other comprising 6 males and 4 females arrived around 10 AM. The majority of the refugees were youth while there were few children too, he said. There were residents of Kanakarayankulam, Sinnadampan, Puthukulam and Nainamdu areas, he added.

The refugees had told our correspondent that they could free themselves from the terrorists clutches because of the security forces operations against the LTTE. The terrorists' ability to manhandle the civilians at gunpoint is fast dwindling that people will soon escape the Wanni open prison in large numbers, they have added.

One of the youth had revealed that people in Wanni have placed a very high hope over the success of the security forces that they would be soon be free from the LTTE.

"Tidings have reached that LTTE is fast loosing, all of us want a life without LTTE, they (LTTE) brought us nothing by the destruction, Security Forces' success is our only hope", the youth had said.
Meanwhile, our correspondent said this group of civilians too were shocked to hear that some of the Tamil Politicians in India and Tamils living in Western Countries are trying to save the LTTE.
"Why do they want to continue this war? Are they enjoying on our sufferings? If they want an Eelam let them have it in their countries! We Sri Lankan Tamils are not their pawns" were some of their sudden expressions when they were told about the issue, our correspondent said.
The refugees have been directed to the civilian welfare centres after being provided with food and basic medical facilities.

The first group of civilians to escape the terrorists clutches via land routes came to Omanthai on Friday (Nov 21). A group of 39 civilians sought refuge with the security forces signalling that prison gates of mono ethnic Wanni hellhole have started crumbling.

On 22nd November, 41 civilians in two groups have arrived at the Omanthai roadblock seeking protection with security forces.

Forty one civilians of twenty families from SEMAMADU north in WANNI arrived in OMANTHE at two different times, thirty six around 8.40 a.m. and five more around 12.45 p.m..

Twenty nine males and twelve females including nine children were provided with basic needs by the troops and arrangements were underway to send them to the MENIK FARM IDP (Internally Displaced Persons) centre at CHEDDIKULAM.

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