

Expatriate Tamils riding on the LTTE bandwagon

Shenali Waduge

A scenario of no war in Sri Lanka would mean one thing for those Tamils now domiciled overseas as “refugees” – Governments of those countries would immediately ask them to return to Sri Lanka. Now we can understand why it is that Tamils living in Canada, UK, USA, Europe & Australia are doing their best to keep alive the “discrimination by the Sinhalese” theme & helping the LTTE to keep up that utopian dream of a separate homeland. It is only a means to delay the inevitable.

Their selfish motive coupled with the killing machine of Prabakaran has only taken the Tamil people living in Sri Lanka to depths of misery. When solutions could have been worked out the LTTE saw fit to walk out of peace talks, when there was need for Tamil unity, LTTE managed to kill practically all of the moderate Tamil thinking politicians & social leaders, when aid for development should have been allocated to the North & East, the LTTE created a war scenario which has left the North & East is ruins & minus any development whatsoever except for what the Government can provide despite all odds.

The LTTE was instrumental in closing down what could have been lucrative enterprises – the Paranthan chemical factory, the Elephant Pass saltern all come to mind. Children who should have a youth are dragged into war & forced to carry arms & become child soldiers – their education is all but at a standstill. Their return home is likely to be without limbs, emotionally unstable or even as a corpse. Is the Tamil cause so great that they want to see a generation of disabled people? It has always been the financially able that could take flight to foreign climes – the majority of the Tamil people have had to bear through not only LTTE tortures but also the natural distrust by the Government apparatus since who can identify an LTTE member especially a unit that is famed for its suicide killings.

These expatriates today who continue to lobby the irregularities of the Government, the discrimination by the Sinhalese, the need to have the LTTE & the desire for a Tamil homeland have not helped the North of the East develop – they have instead been heavily involved in the real estate market in Colombo & have today purchased the most number of condominiums.

All the while it is the Tamil people living in all parts of the country together with the ordinary Sinhalese & Muslims who are suffering today because of the ulterior motives of a few who has taken this conflict to such pitiful heights. In truth isn’t it the Tamil expatriates & the LTTE who are really responsible in large measures for disuniting the Tamil people & brining the community into disarray.


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