

Mr Muggah Needs To Put Up Facts Or Shut Up!

© Through The Periscope Of Global Sinhala Village -By Sunil ~ For LankaWeb

Feb.24th 2008
It needs to be elaborated that misguided articles of this nature appear to be composed for the single purpose of misleading the International Community and the rest of the world ~ It seems laced in bias and quite incongruous, perhaps with a leaning towards the pro LTTE propaganda machine that the 'outspoken' Mr. Robert Muggah has taken the liberty to be so bold to present to a world audience! This is a reference to the item appearing on captioned" A country spins out of control" Now who the hell is Robert Muggah despite his credentials as Robert Muggah research director of the Small Arms Survey in Geneva and the author of Relocation Failures: A Short History of Internal Displacement and Resettlement in Sri Lanka (forthcoming) to assert so blatantly, ignorantly and misguidedly that "Sri Lanka is quietly sliding into a humanitarian nightmare."

In what capacatity does the man become so audaciously Philistine and is he perchance so blinkered that his reference portraying Sri Lanka as sinking into a mire of despair and damnation, addressed to the world at large ? Does it not in turn portray him as a loosed tongued orator of no viable means to substantiate some of the blatant accusations he has directed at the Government of Sri Lanka! This is at best a composition in the same vein as the ludicrously distorted "An Historical Journal of Ceylon" By Robert Knox an Englishman once imprisoned by the Kandyan Kingdom and later escaped to vent his frustrations in an epistle of a blatantly concoctred and distorted epistle on Ceylon on a gullible world prior to the British annexation.

It seems particularly contentious in a world where American created aggression in the name of peace which also involves the Jewish state and its despicable autocracy in Israel and her surrounds together with the many other disparities of American interference around the Globe showing rank disregard to human suffering other than the objective of stabilising American Interests mostly and a display of arrogant superpower might and assertion of authority taken up in mimicry by some of her allies causing greater distress in the world than what goes on in Sri Lanka, a Sovereign Nation fighting the scourge of illegal terrorism and internal armed insurrection and how dare he be as outspoken as he is about what sanctions need to be initiated and what in his opinion is the correct panacea to Sri Lanka's woes?

Is this not once again a clear cut example of meddling into the internal affairs of a Sovereign Nation with no carte blance whatsoever towards taking the liberty? Why does this somewhat myopic and blinkered individual of apparent pro Western propaganda not put a lid on his rhetoric rather than attempt to mislead and confuse the world or better still immerse himself in the hugely needed dialogue and course of remedial action towards the dissipation and discontinuance of arms and armaments among the civilian population of the world ? The America Gun Lobby for instance and the manufacturing of weapons of various levels of destruction and their distribution which are causing such havoc, mayhem and pain of human suffering and the destruction of precious human life concentrated in other parts of the world where multitudes are perishing by the day due to lack of proper intervention towards redress if he needs an assignment more appropriate with his background and training where he appears to have nothing better to do than dabble in Sri Lanka's conflict without a license to do so and a better felt need surely!!

How does he have the justification to comment that "Since the election of the Nationalist Government of Mahinda Rajapaksa in 2005 and the resumption of 'war' against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) late last year, the number of civilian deaths has jumped sharply. In the past six weeks, more than 180 Tamil, Muslim and Sinhalese citizens have been killed, many with bullets through their temples. Reprisal targeting of Sinhalese – usually by way of explosives – is on the rise. " a statement which has such ambiguity it could have been taken from a thriller novel and its plot fashioned to suit its readers relative to cheap sensationalism which seems doctored to the needs of the pro LTTE Eelamist brigade around the world despite its veiled duplicity albeit what seems to be a failed effort to convince a very discerning world or a majority therof who are aware of the realities surrounding Sri Lanka's war against the Tamil tiger terrorists and that it is a justified cause with little or no alternatives mainly due to the indifference, mendacity and lack of responsibility on the part of the Tamil Tigers who are but unrelenting terrorists for which they have to pay a price consequently!

Does this individual for a moment realise the obstreperous and bufurcated nature of his comments where the present Government contrary to his accusations has transformed the Nation of Sri Lanka to a much more stable place towards posterity than it was prior to his taking office where it was a hotbed of Tamil Tiger attrocities aided and abetted by conniving, self centered and power hungry previously incumbent political leaderships which almost brought the Nation to its knees over decades but was thwarted by the resilience and prudence of the present Administration?

For his information and that of any others with the same trend of misguided thoughts and objectives, Sri Lanka is not quietly sliding into a humanitarian nightmare although some would like to concoct this! To the contrary, the people of the land are indebted to the relentless drive the present Administration has initiated through the assertive and efficient direction of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces towards completely ridding the Nation of the vermin that has been a scourge for decades, stifled and reversed its progress and launched a reign of terror for its peace loving inhabitants until the present Administration decided to take the issue by the scruff of its neck and not palaver to the rhetoric of foreign stooges such as Mr Muggah ( incidentally there is a vicious crocodile in the wilds of Sri Lanka also called a 'Muggah' which is a salient analogy towards the attempted mugging of Sri Lanka by Mr Muggah this testimonial of his appears to be!)

It is indeed a fact of life that in the circumstances surrounding the liberation of Sri Lanka from the vermin terrorists attempting to destroy it, there undoubtedly have been civilian casualties but what Mr Muggah fails to realise is that on a statistical basis the greater percentage of these casualties and their injuries and deaths have been caused by the terrorists who are not only ruthless but conscienceless and with no regard for human life or property.What the Armed Forces have done todate is alleviate the sufferings of vast multitudes of civilians in areas plagued by the LTTE vermin where their livelihoods, properties, respectabilities and dignities have been restored to them after it was once stripped by the Tamil tiger terrorists! The Government is making every attempt to overcome the problem of civilian casualties often exaggerated by the Tamil tigers towards justifying their cause and existences it must be highlighted here!

Most unfortunately the terrorists despite being in the process of elimination and being effectively hammered to submission and capitulation by the Armed Forces still manage to infiltrate into civilian populated areas taking casualties with their now sporadic attrocities which Mr Muggah should come to terms although it is a salient reality they are being dealt with effectively and will soon be a thing of the past!An assertive pledge by the leaders of the Armed Forces which is being effectively executed through all the available means at this very moment.

The following section of the statement by Mr Muggah in particular is a blatant distortion of the facts apparently created to invoke world anger against the present Administration ! "Since the election of the nationalist government of Mahinda Rajapaksa in 2005 and the resumption of war against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) late last year, the number of civilian deaths has jumped sharply. In the past six weeks, more than 180 Tamil, Muslim and Sinhalese citizens have been killed, many with bullets through their temples. Reprisal targeting of Sinhalese – usually by way of explosives – is on the rise.

It seems fairly obvious that there is innuendo in his reference to the phrase "by way of expolsive " and is a liberty taken by the man relative to his designation as an arms survey specialist but it seems to have failed to provide him with the real source of these explosives which by now even a novice or layman knows enough about to attribut them to the Tamil Tigers whose speciality is suicide bombing related to explosives not bananas! This is part of the dedication of assignment which the Sri lankan Government and the Armed Forces are faced with and if Mr Muggah is suggesting alternate means to deal with the issue he must surely be dreaming!

His rhetoric which entails sayings such as the outside world is watching, there have been 75000 deaths, references to the relative mindset of the UN Secretary General ( another indiviudual posting shameless double standards when it comes to unbiased decision making relative to areas of felt need around the world where suffering is at a peak and humanitarian needs are circumvented to appease his bi -partisan decision making as many have come to conclude!! and far worse than his predecessor) appears to have a singleminded objective which is to portray the Rajapaksha Administratioin in poor light and geared to the needs of the waning Tamil Tigers perhaps on their insistences together with their supportive diaspora around the world who may even be funding his efforts!

And would it be within Mr Muggah's fogged up comprehension to understand that by making these statements of derision and doom against the Nation of Sri Lanka he is merely showing his transparencies as a lobbyist for the Tamil tiger cause and one with idiotic dispensations which are not acceptable to the Sinhala nation where he needs to put up the real facts or SHUT UP!

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